“This situation needs to be treated like the emergency it is.”

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The MLA representing the Cumberland House community says Saskatchewan’s premier should experience for himself a ride on Highway 123.

After rains and spring conditions washed out the highway and made it largely impassable, Cumberland House officials last week declared a state of emergency for the village as well as the nearby Cree Nation. The highway serves as the lone road into the northern Saskatchewan community.

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Cumberland MLA Doyle Vermette on Monday criticized the provincial government for its lack of any tangible service towards fixing the problem. Vermette challenged Premier Scott Moe to drive Highway 123 himself, to experience just once what area residents are having to deal with in their day-to-day lives.

“I have an invitation for the premier: Let’s meet where the pavement ends and I’ll let you drive and see it for yourself,” Vermette said.

“I don’t think this government realizes how bad our road is.”

Janelle Thomas, who started a petition on Change.org calling for improved highway infrastructure, said those using the road face “nearly impossible travel conditions.”

“Transport vehicles carrying gasoline, food, and other necessities are getting stuck because of freight weight,” Thomas wrote.

“Ambulances cannot make it through the muddy roads, putting our sick and elderly residents at risk of further illness or even death.”

Moe last week said the Cumberland House community will be a “priority for conversations” with the provincial highways department.

“We’ll work with the community on any immediate challenges that they have and also work with the community on what the investment looks like for that road in the future, and I would say it needs to be more, not less,” Moe said.

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Cumberland House is located approximately 450 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon. The village and the First Nation each have a population of between 700 and 800 people.

Opposition NDP Leader Carla Beck on Monday said people in Saskatchewan shouldn’t have to struggle to have access to medicine, food and fuel.

“Cumberland House is in a state of emergency and the local leaders I’ve heard from rightly feel the government is not doing everything in its power to help,” Beck said.

Cumberland House Mayor Ferlin McKay last week said the “deplorable and deteriorating conditions” of the highway “puts the health and well-being of our community members in jeopardy.”

Cumberland Cree Nation Chief Rene Chaboyer said government action is urgently needed to address “the dire situation” on Highway 123.

“We need a safe and reliable access for emergency services, food supplies, and vital resources,” Chaboyer added.

Beck said a short-term fix should include the government deploying road builders and other resources — including airlifts, if needed — to ensure safe and reliable traffic, goods and supplies for the community. Beyond that, a long-term fix is necessary, she added.

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According to the NDP on Monday, highways critic Trent Wotherspoon and Vermette wrote a letter to Highways Minister Lori Carr on May 6, urging the government to take appropriate action and Carr responded on May 23 that government officials were “optimistic” that “conditions will improve significantly.”

The next day, a state of emergency was declared.

Said Wotherspoon on Monday: “This situation needs to be treated like the emergency it is.”

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