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Ottawa’s own Cameron Highlanders were on the march Saturday for the annual memorial of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

The First World War battle in April, 1917, is regarded by many historians and writers as a defining moment for Canada.

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The Canadian troops were ordered to seize the heavily-fortified seven-kilometre ridge in France that held a commanding view over the Allied lines.

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The historic battle took a heavy toll on the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa (Duke of Edinburgh’s Own), the regiment’s official name.

“Twelve officers and 550 other ranks of the Regiment were tasked to the first four waves of the attack and suffered severe casualties including four officers and 82 other ranks killed, (and) another 223 were wounded,” the Canadian Armed Forces said in a release.

“The Regiment proudly holds an official Battle Honour for these actions,” said the CAF release.

The Regiment serves as the Ottawa’s official regiment, providing ceremonial guides of honour for visiting dignitaries, national ceremonies and other events.

Ottawa philanthropist Barbara Farber, honorary lieutenant-colonel of the Cameron Highlanders regiment, led the march.

OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia Photo by Ashley Fraser /Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia Photo by Ashley Fraser /Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia Photo by Ashley Fraser /Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia Photo by Ashley Fraser /Postmedia
OTTAWA: The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa’s Battle of Vimy Ridge Commemoration Parade held Saturday April 6, 2024, started at the Cartier Square Drill Hall and marched to the National War Memorial.Ashley Fraser/Postmedia Photo by Ashley Fraser /Postmedia

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