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There is something wrong. Norway has $1 Trillion in their oil fund. Alberta has $6 billion, what has happened?

Ed Skelding

(Looks like they are better at saving money.)

Why the wishes?

Who starts off a speech with Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers that are conserving water? Who tells fathers to drink beer to conserve water? Our Mayor Gondek does. Why would she only wish fathers that conserve water a happy Father’s Day? Why would she tell dads to drink beer instead of water? I solely believe there is something wrong. Is she trying to guilt people? What about recovering alcoholics? She sure seems to run high on emotional tactics. Wonder how many emails she got on that speech.

Kevin Saraafin

(Letters complaining about her Father’s Day well-wishes may be a welcome break from the usual hatred she must get in her inbox.)

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Stay home to do laundry

Laundry Tourism? What kind of a statement is that? Can you imagine the uproar if Calgarians descended en masse to Cochrane to use their laundromats? Gondek’s inept handling of the water main crisis is just one more nail in her political coffin! For a supposed academic, she doesn’t have a lick of common sense. Engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear!

Bruce Haynes

(Think before you speak; sound advice for everyone.)

Rain barrels: the new toilet paper

It’s a shame that rain barrels are just arriving on everyone’s must have list now that water restrictions are in place for Calgary. I have used rain barrels for over 30 years and have always conserved water within our home. This goes hand in hand with recycling and composting. Clean water is not like Skip the Dishes, where you order it up and it’s delivered. There is a time consuming, expensive process to provide clean and sanitary water. Get a rainbarrel!

Sandra Fanson

(There was a big push earlier this year, before the water main, and they ran out then too. People are learning.)

Calgary: the user friendly city

I suggest a new Calgary city motto:  “Save water, shower with a friend”.  Not so Blue Skies now eh?

Karen Haddow

(We’re with you! Well, on the slogan. We would like to get to know you better before we become shower buddies.)

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