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Keep it natural

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Did you know that Canyon Meadows Boulevard found two endangered native bees on its site?   Now it’s mowed.

Did you know that the City of Calgary has over 1000 ha of green space beside major roadways?

Wouldn’t it be great if we planted Indigenous plants and flowers, or better yet, If we also landscaped with native designs so that the native spirits could still see that their people are still here even though the landscape has changed?

Would it be better than spending $3 million to cut it 4 times a year and $500,000 a year to spray it for weeds?

I think it would be great.

David Misfeldt

(Save money, support our landscape and honour Indigenous people, we’re all in! Interested in running in the next election, David?)

If you can’t stand the heat …

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There are two facts out-going MLA Phillips should have learnt by now about politics. Firstly, politics at any of the three levels of the Canadian governing bodies is always dirty. Secondly, politics is not for the faint-at-heart. If anyone is considering running in future election campaigns has an onion-skin hide,they should run for cover at all costs. The heat (alone) in the political kitchen will burn them to a crisp at the blink of an eye.

Donald K. Munroe

(She held her own, and is apparently done.)

Not the gal for the job

Gondek, your apology is not worth the soundbite used to record it. The pictures of you with the ‘deer in the headlights’ look says it all. You don’t have a clue what you are doing. Please do everyone a favour and resign. Oh, and don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

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Bruce Haynes

(It really doesn’t feel like she has a handle on things.)

Too much to handle

Calgary property tax increases are insane. Over the last two years of this mayor we have seen 14% in property tax increases. How is anyone supposed to keep up financially with that? To make matters worse, this 14% turns into way more cost as they adjust the mill rate and your home’s market value, costing you even more. Actually, this year’s increase cost me 12% with adjustments. Calgary needs to stage a tax revolt, refusing increases for the next number of years so our wages catch up.

Brad Lake

(Are you getting cost of living increases?!? Jealous!)

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