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It’s not only dismaying, but baffling to see modern day fascism continuing to fill our streets with hate and evil. Professional, genocide-chanting social justice martyrs are gladly professing their support for terrorists who murder, rape and torture. It is beyond comprehension that people today can knowingly and deliberately choose to side with Hamas. What is wrong with our world? How do you explain such madness and insanity? Did these people not learn about history? Clearly, they haven’t they learned from it.

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Neil Staff

(We aren’t shocked anymore at the appalling actions of these people taking to the streets and screaming their support for terrorists. They clearly don’t care about history.)

Call an election

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I don’t believe that I am the only one who thinks Trudeau has lost the plot. When he is questioned, he becomes very animated and confrontational, he resorts to using childish derogatory comments to get his point across. I’ve observed his behaviour in Question Period — he often shouts at the top of his lungs in anger to make his point, not very appropriate, in my opinion. We know his government is well past its sell-by date, obviously he is feeling the pressure. Canadians have had enough of him. Yes, Justin, you are correct when you said that you don’t have to be popular to be prime minister but you are expected to do what is in the best interest of Canadians and be responsible with our tax dollars, something you don’t understand. It’s time to break the glass and call an election to see if Canadians continue to support you or not. It’s in the best interests of our country to do so.

Michael Wilson

(Trudeau lost the plot years ago. He has no interest in calling an election because he believes Canadians won’t remember what a mess he’s made.)

Bad decisions

Re “Air Canada Boeing 737 makes emergency landing in Idaho after warning light goes on” (The Associated Press, April 9): It’s amazing how people continue to patronize organizations that are forever poking them in the eye, or much worse. I’m left shaking my head over those who board Boeing aircraft, shop at Loblaws, and vote Conservative.

Louis Desjardins

(It’s called choice)

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