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Just getting worse

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I gasp looking at the price of gas since the Trudeau April 1 carbon tax. However, he’s not done yet, because on July 1 a second carbon tax buried in fuel regulations requires producers to reduce carbon content or buy credits. This will ultimately cost you more at the pump. This regulation will cost you an estimated 17 cents per litre by 2030. It’s completely irresponsible what Trudeau’s government is doing to Canadian families, many of whom are already financially broken due to the ever-increasing prices in the land of taxes.

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Peter J. Middlemore Sr.

(If there’s an opportunity to hit us with another tax, the Liberals will take it.) 

Double standards

It took me two years of calling the city to prune a couple of elm trees that were damaging my roof. They kept stating provincial regulations for timing of pruning, yet they can prune and then cut down an iconic elm outside the time frame set by the province. I guess rules don’t apply to government.

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Perry Huber

(The loss of the Stampede elm tree will be felt for years, especially in the heat during the Stampede itself.)

Union missed the mark

With violence and disrespect escalating in schools the Alberta Teachers Association (ATA) drone is now ordering the government to put an end to it, even though this has been happening even before the arrival of COVID-19. Instead of being a good union man and scamming the government every chance he gets, maybe he and other ATA union bosses should have been asking the government how they could work together collaboratively to address this issue in an effective way. But then, that is not the union way, is it? 

Glenn W. Harrison

(Schools need better support from our government in so many ways, the union isn’t to blame for the consistent under-funding.)

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Trudeau won’t ever admit blame

Re: LILLEY: What Did Trudeau Know About Foreign Interference And When Did He Know It…

The prime minister will play the three innocent monkeys, who saw nothing, heard nothing and spoke nothing at this foreign interference commission, wiping his hands clean. In fact, Justin might even be nominated to receive an Academy Award at the 2025 awards ceremony in Hollywood. After all, prior to entering federal politics in 2008, the PM was a drama teacher in the late 90’s and the early 2000’s.

Donald K. Munroe

(Trudeau does love a chance to hear himself speak, maybe he will slip up and tell the truth this time.)

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