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It’s quite difficult to take a faction or group of people seriously when they openly contradict themselves. The ‘woke’ crowd preaches tolerance and inclusivity, but they clearly don’t practice it. If your views, opinions or ideologies don’t align with theirs, they insist on ‘cancelling’ you. Does anyone else see the irony here?

Paul Rekker

(Let’s not forget they are horribly sanctimonious as well. The upside is there is finally some pushback against this nonsense.)


If, as the Liberals claim, most Canadians end up with more money due to the carbon tax rebates, why doesn’t the government give us all a tax credit or deduction when we file our taxes? It would eliminate all the labour and administrative costs of implementing the rebates. The reasons are obvious. First, it is simply a useless public sector job creation program to continue to inflate the already bloated federal workforce. Second, it is another tax grab and income redistribution strategy as too many Canadians do not pay any income tax or file annual returns. Our politicians continue to focus on new and creative ways to tax us rather than the many major issues like crime, inflation, etc.

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John Marshall

(The Trudeau Liberals are not interested in reducing the size of government. The bigger the better for them.)


What a Canadian achievement it would be if Edmonton’s NHL team could bring the Stanley Cup back home for the first time since 1993.

The only moment that would draw more cheers during the victory parade would be Alberta Premier Danielle Smith snubbing Prince Justin Trudeau during the festivities!

Eddy Dignan

(Not sure why he wouldn’t also be cheering for the Canadian team … he’s not from Calgary.)


Build houses, not pensions.

So, 80 MPs (32 are Conservative, 22 Liberal, 20 are from the Bloc Québécois and six are NDP) will get platinum-plated pensions when/if our prince minister manages to get next year’s election delayed by one week. Only in Canada, a self-professed democracy. Citizens are living on the street or in cramped multi-generation dwellings while the lucky Liberals get flush financing courtesy of these very same citizens. Thank you, Liberal voters. Canada has become disgusting.

Dyan Cross

(There is a flaw in the system that needs to be repaired.)

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