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So Justin Trudeau says he is going to build more than three million homes in Canada (“Grits vow to ‘solve the housing crisis’,” The Canadian Press, April 13). We are talking about a prime minister who has never balanced a budget and, after all these years, has completely failed to fix up the official Prime Minister’s Residence at 22 Sussex Dr. Forgive me if I think the Toronto Maple Leafs will win the Stanley Cup before Trudeau ever keeps this promise.

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Chris Robertson

(Simply put, it won’t happen. Laudable as it is, the Trudeau government was front and centre in creating the problem. How can they possible fix it?)

Back in black, for a few minutes

Canada was “Back in black” for about three minutes or so.

With the Liberals so far away in another galaxy, I’m surprised Justin Trudeau and his environment minister are not putting the blame on carbon for blocking out the sun on Monday afternoon.

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I guess they are both working on how they can tax us for the sun rays and the air we breathe.

Eddy Dignan

(Don’t give them any ideas!)

Display the emblems

Re: Canada condemns Israeli strike on aid workers in Gaza, demands investigation, online, April 2

Their vans were not identified with universal Red Crescent or Red Cross emblems of international humanitarian aid in a war zone. Why not?

They did, however, display the commercial insignia advertising World Central Kitchen (WCK).

Display the Red Crescent/Red Cross emblem on all humanitarian personnel and vehicles. Anything else is hubris.

Dyan Cross

(Proper signage or not, what happened is unacceptable.)

They’ll be long gone

We all know how much socialists enjoy spending someone else’s money, and the prime minister must be really happy these days, along with his NDP buddies.

The sad part is they will be long gone enjoying their public pensions by the time the results are known about the damage their reckless spending has caused to the future of Canadians.

Pete McLellan

(Why would they want to hang around and pay for all these programs?)

Let Larry run things

Just a thought … Larry Comeau for prime minister. We need a good common-sense guy running the country, and every letter he submits to your paper I completely agree with.

Linda Brown

(We’re always happy to read what he has to say.)

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