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Bad deal

Another Flames trade, this is what happens when you hire a rookie GM. Dallas is laughing all the way to the bank over this one. They got a first line defenseman for pretty much nothing and in return only have to pay a nominal salary in return. Now that’s GM smarts. Mr. Conroy missed the boat on this deal. Let’s hope the next trade and/or acquisition has a better outcome than this one.

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Ken Uhren

(If the Flames win, all will be forgiven.)

Alberta should say no

This is amazing. Media in Alberta are complaining that Alberta may say no to Pharma. My God why? Quebec does it all the time.

They do not want something, they cry and get money, Alberta wants the same thing. Wow, we are against everything.

It is truly unfortunate that news media in Alberta are scared to upset Ottawa. You NEVER published anything in Calgary letters that are bad about the PM. You spend countless hours complaining about your mayor.

Maybe try comments on the federal government.

Ed Skelding

(Up the anti-Trudeau content, got it.)

Don’t upset the bench

Re: Life’s A Beach For Flames Fans, But Winning Streak Shouldn’t Change Anything…

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The red machine down at the Dome seems to be running with all cylinders fired-up. At this stage of the hockey campaign, Conroy would be a fool to pop the hood with wrench in hand. If changes are to be made,  importing players would be the way to go. If he still wants to do some player-exporting, perhaps moving to Vegas instead and playing VLT’s would be the way to go. Conroy should just let sleeping dogs lie.

Donald K. Munroe

(Anything to make it far in the second season.)

Drug-deal is a scam

Re: National Pharmacare.

The original proposal was about reducing the out of control costs of drugs; bulk purchasing to try to rein in exorbitant profits by Big Pharma.

Now it is about giving free stuff. The NDP/Liberal cabal ripping off the taxpayer to give to their rich friends. No talk whatsoever about the economy.

We will buy your votes with your own money. Please see through this latest scam.

Steve Jones

(It’s the federal way though. Promise, under deliver, beg for another term.)

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