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I do not see one iota of “generational fairness” in last week’s federal budget. The government is piling another $40 billion on the backs of future generations who have no voting power, and most of whom are yet to been born. Absolutely shameful.
These budget deficits are one of the major drivers of inflation, along with rampant immigration. The current rate of immigration is the equivalent of building Ottawa from scratch every two years. This is not sustainable.
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This is the same government that rolled back “retirement age” from 67 to 65 after Harper had done the difficult task of addressing the problem. This budget addresses some necessary changes but at the same time it is aimed at garnering votes on the backs of our children and future generations.
Ivor Green, Calgary
Hate is always hiding in shadows
Antisemitism has not increased.
It has simply come out from behind the curtain.
Steve Harris, Calgary
Voting rights is a non-issue
I am sure many Calgarians are shaking their heads in disbelief as to what some on city council are trying to do next. Where are their heads at that they think they have the right to change who can vote and who can’t?
Coun. Courtney Walcott says “permanent residents on the path toward citizenship should be granted the right to vote.”
He is correct in one part of that statement, that being, “on the path.” They are not there yet, but following the path will eventually lead them to the privilege of becoming a Canadian citizen. With that comes the privilege of having a say in elections.
I do not understand what is going on with these elected officials.
Dixie Watson, Calgary
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Calgary council has lost its way
Last week, Chris Nelson captured the essence of the ineffectual and directionless attitude of city council, and our mayor’s attitude toward most practical, real-world things in our city. Council decides there is a pressing need to wantonly spend $87 billion on a “climate emergency,” or that we must cram people into our established neighbourhoods by destroying them with a 10-fold increase in density.
But will they pay attention to the basics that keep our city functional and safe, such as fixing our severely pothole-filled roads or allocating sufficient funds to do so?
Apparently not. This is the kind of “leadership” that we currently have, and next election we must elect new leadership that actually understands practical solutions and economics.
Ed Reuther, Calgary
Vengeance doesn’t equal justice
I agree with Catherine Ford’s sentiments involving the looming deportation of the truck driver who caused the Humboldt Broncos bus accident.
Jaskirat Singh Sidhu was a model of what a person with integrity would display in similar circumstances. He did not whine, make excuses or otherwise fail to own up for his actions that resulted in this horrible tragedy.
Sadly, it seemed the justice system cannot handle such honourable behaviour and, as a result, the proverbial whole book was thrown at him.
It almost says character and integrity sometimes don’t really matter.
Robert Penny, Calgary
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