‘The power is in the people. The power is in the people going out, getting signatures. The power is in the people having their voice heard,’ says Johnston

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Now Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek says she understands.

Late Friday afternoon, with more miserable snow falling outside, the mayor says she understands.

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Gondek says she understands many who signed the petition to bounce her as the city’s mayor are real people.

They are not part of some bigger political play.

“I believe Landon Johnston is legitimately one of those people,” says Gondek.

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“I respect the fact he’s trying to do something and, while it may be targeted against me, at least he’s engaging in a process he has the democratic right to engage in.”

After a meeting with Johnston, the man behind the petition who knows far more about furnaces and air conditioning than he does about the cutthroat world of politics, Gondek promises to listen more closely to Calgarians.

The mayor admits the petition struck a chord with some people.

She acknowledges it’s a difficult time for some and Calgarians are owed clarity, transparency and compassion from city hall.

Of course, Gondek is not granting Johnston’s wish and resigning as mayor. That only happens in the movies.

But the mayor says she will do a better job explaining what city council is doing.

“It’s easy for me to get lost in the work and forge ahead without fully explaining the what and the why to those people who elected me,” says Gondek.

The mayor says she has made comments she should not have made.

“I fully appreciate that. You get caught up in things sometimes,” she says, but does not elaborate.

Gondek also says there is no room for party politics at city hall, though that is coming soon courtesy of the provincial government.

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She adds there is no room for “extreme positioning” but we have to remember “extreme positioning” is often in the eye of the beholder.

The mayor also adds many things deserve equal if not more attention than the petition.

Gondek mentions the housing crisis, poverty and human rights as examples.

It is clear the mayor is toning down any combative reaction.

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Meanwhile, Johnston gets a grilling from newshounds, standing alone to face the music without a professional handler to try to corral the questions.

He did better than many politicians, the ones who stick to empty-calorie talking points and bafflegab scripted to say as little as possible.

Johnson says Gondek was “very friendly.”

Then he gets right into it and serves up the quote of the day.

It should be read and put up on the fridge by the majority of eligible voters in Calgarians who did not vote in the last election despite years of commentary, hundreds and hundreds of columns, on how badly city hall governs.

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Has no one heard of the Cowtown Kremlin?

“The power is in the people. The power is in the people going out, getting signatures. The power is in the people having their voice heard,” says Johnston.

“This is democratic. This is power to the people. This is the one piece of legislation given to us to fight back against bad leadership.”

The lone man with the guts to stand up and be heard says “it sucks” it took until now with the blood, sweat and tears of volunteers spent on getting signatures for Gondek to finally hear his voice.

Johnston says he’s counted 42,000 petition signatures but there are other signatures he hasn’t counted.

Of course, they are still gathering signatures this week.

This petition to dump Gondek started with him and, in the man’s own words, “now it’s tens of thousands of people with the same issue.”

Landon Johnston
Calgarian and mayoral recall petition organizer Landon Johnston stands in front of city hall on Saturday, February 10, 2024. Brent Calver/Postmedia

He is asked about who is involved with the recall question.

This question is intended to see if Johnston will cough up the names of any individuals whose behaviour could prove embarrassing to the petition drive.

Johnston doesn’t bite.

“Who is involved? I’m involved. I started this. It’s my website,” he says.

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That’s the recallmayorgondek.com website.

“I’m the only person who has the authority to do anything. If I hear of any nefarious actions going on under my name I’m going to do everything in my power to stop it.”

Johnston says getting a city politician punted takes an impossible number of petition signatures and the UCP government should make some changes to the rules.

They are expected to do just that.

“It’s not easy for an elected official to make it easier for them not to be in power,” says Johnston.

The question now. How much will Gondek have to do to get back in the good books of most Calgarians?

As the well-worn saying goes: The proof will be in the pudding.

Right now the pudding served up by the mayor has left a sour taste in the mouths of many Calgarians.


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