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OTTAWA — Members of the public who wish to pay tribute to Brian Mulroney can visit his casket in Ottawa starting Tuesday afternoon.

The former prime minister’s casket was to be brought to the Sir John A. Macdonald building opposite Parliament Hill in the morning.

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Dignitaries including the Governor General and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are set to offer their condolences to the Mulroney family.

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His wife and children sat in the House of Commons gallery Monday to hear glowing tributes and funny stories from politicians across the partisan spectrum.

Well-wishers can visit between 12:30 and 6 p.m. Tuesday or from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday and sign a book of condolences.

Security screening is required for visitors and several downtown streets near Parliament Hill are closed.

The public will also be able to pay their respects at Montreal’s St. Patrick’s Basilica on Thursday and Friday.

A state funeral will be held Saturday morning at Notre-Dame Basilica, with eulogies from Caroline Mulroney, Jean Charest and Wayne Gretzky.

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