In today’s The Big Story podcast, ask anyone how they want to spend their final years, and nobody will say “in a long-term care facility.” And that was true even before the pandemic. Most people want to grow old in their own home, but many of them simply can’t access the care they need as they age.

Cathrin Bradbury wrote this article for The Walrus. She said the COVID-19 pandemic really changed the conversation around where we age.

“We all watched the nightly news footage of older Canadians in nursing homes behind glass waving at their family standing on the other side of the glass. And these were people who didn’t get to see family members for years. It was terrible,” said Bradbury. 

What if there was a way to meet in the middle of those two problems? A solution that would ease the burden on LTC facilities, while also keeping more seniors in their own homes, receiving proper care? What if we were already doing it — just not doing anywhere near enough of it?

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