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Those who traverse Regina on two wheels, from little tykes with bare knees to bearded bikers looking to exorcise winter blues, may be met with a welcome sight come Monday.

Crews are scheduled to begin sweeping streets in neighbourhoods across the city in a two-phase operation expected to take approximately 10 weeks, weather permitting, according to a news release sent out by the city on Friday.

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“The first phase starts April 8 and includes street sweeping on 47 kilometres of boulevards and major streets including Albert Street and Lewvan Drive,” says the release. “In this phase, the City will also be sweeping the higher-density areas of Harbour Landing, General Hospital, Downtown and Cathedral. Crews work 20 hours a day, seven days per week to complete the first phase of the sweep.”

The release notes that, during the first phase, cars left in a no-parking zone on a “sweep day” will towed and left with a ticket of $120. Such zones are to be marked with signage.

“Residents can prepare for the street sweep by downloading the Sweep&Plow App to learn when crews will be in their neighbourhood,” the release states.

The city wishes to remind residents that the street sweeping machines create dust that reduces visibility. Closing windows and using “alternative sidewalks” is recommended.

“If you see dust and sweeping equipment, leave lots of room for the machinery, slow down and be safe.”

The release does not provide any information regarding the second phase of the sweeping operation, beyond asking those interested to “watch for further updates.”

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