By Dr. Joseph Mercola

      with Rachael Droege

Numerous studies have shown that lowering your caloric intake
may slow down aging, reduce age-related chronic diseases and
extend lifespan. The effects have been observed in a variety
of species from worms and yeast to rats and fish, and while
it is uncertain whether long-term calorie restriction has
the same effect in humans, preliminary evidence suggests that
it does.

What is known is that calorie restriction reduces metabolic
rate and oxidative stress, improves insulin sensitivity, and
alters neuroendocrine and sympathetic nervous system function
in animals, as noted in a review in the American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition
. The mechanism behind these
effects is not known, but I suspect the majority of the benefits
from calorie restriction are related to its influence on insulin,
as reducing calories also reduces insulin, a major accelerant
of aging. Insulin also affects many bodily systems, all of
which could potentially affect longevity. Insulin:

  • Alters the expression of numerous other hormones
  • Stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
  • Promotes vasoconstriction

I do believe that eating less is likely to be healthier for
us in the long run, as controlled energy restriction is the
only regimen that has been shown in the laboratory to increase
lifespan, and therefore may be a foundational requirement
for proper diet. Calorie restriction is not the same thing
as dieting or starving yourself, however, so please realize
that this can’t be done without wisdom as human populations
that consume low-calorie diets that are restricted in protein
and micronutrients have:

  • Short stature
  • Late reproductive maturation
  • Suppressed ovarian function
  • Impaired breastfeeding
  • Impaired fertility
  • Impaired immune function

Fortunately, many of the above side effects can be avoided
by using more nutrient-dense food sources. This is one of
the reasons why the juicing
works so well. It provides relatively low-calorie,
dense nutrition that does not raise insulin levels. Another
great whole food option is whey protein concentrate , which provides dense nutrition with low calories
and a minimal insulin response, and is very convenient for
those who are often on the go.

Also, using lean grass-fed animals
as a protein source is another way to maximize life expectancy
and the ever-important omega
6:3 ratio

Calorie restriction won’t work if you aren’t getting
enough vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are necessary
to keep your body functioning properly. Inadequate nutrition
will result in malnutrition and a worsening of health. So
if you do decide to control your calories, make sure that
every calorie you eat comes from a nutrient-rich food source.

It isn’t necessary to use an all-or-nothing approach
to calorie restriction as studies have shown that minor to
moderate calorie restriction can result in some health benefits
also. It appears that the more calorie restriction, the greater
the health benefits, unless you become undernourished.

While an extreme calorie-restricted diet is not appropriate
for some people, merely cutting out junk foods and soda, which
are virtually all high in calories, could result in moderate
calorie restriction and provide a great deal of health benefits.
Occasionally skipping lunch or eating smaller meals, especially
when only unhealthy foods are available, is also likely to
provide some benefit.

If you are interested in this way of eating, check out my
nutrition plan for advice on
foods that are rich in nutrients and health-promoting properties.
Please note that calorie restriction is not appropriate for
children under the age of 21 years, pregnant or nursing women,
or women who are trying to conceive.

Interestingly, it is thought that exercise
may also create a “relative” calorie restriction
as exercise produces many of the same benefits such as:

  • Improved insulin sensitivity
  • Decreased fat mass (FM)
  • Reduced cancers

When you think of calorie restriction, think of minimizing
your intake of calories and harmful substances while maximizing
your intake of nutrients. Anyone who tries calorie restriction
should carefully monitor their health and watch for potential
side effects such as decreased bone density, feeling faint
or overly fatigued, decreased mood or sex drive and an increased
sensitivity to cold temperatures.

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