The British Armed Forces Minister James Heappey has revealed that two nights ago the Royal Navy destroyer HMS Diamond was under “sustained attacks” whilst patrolling in the Red Sea.

Heappey gave a more detailed insight of the strikes that took place in Yemen overnight and confirmed that four RAF Typhoon fighter jets departed on Thursday evening.

The four Typhoon jets were escorted by two air-to-air refuelling tankers and they proceeded south.

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RAF and Royal Navy carry out targeted strikes against Iranian backed Houthi militants in Yemen

The Armed Forces Minister said they engaged in two targets that have been used by the Iranian backed Houthis militants and the sites are launching areas for “attack drones” to hit targets in the Red Sea.

Heappey said, “The jets proceeded south and prosecuted two targets, both of which have been used as launch sites for misses and drones against shipping in the Red Sea.”

He added, “Two nights ago there were sustained attacks on HMS Diamond which is currently in the Red Sea alongside three US navy destroyers.

“All of those ships are in the region to provide security for commercial shipping using this vital, global trade route.”

France and Germany have pledged their support to the US and UK airstrikes in Yemen and have condemned the Houthis drone attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.

The French foreign affairs ministry has said on Friday morning, “With those armed actions, the Houthis bear the extremely serious responsibility of the escalation in the region.”

Germany’s foreign office said the airstrikes are an attempt to stop further attacks in the Red Sea.

Berlin said in a statement, “Our aim remains to de-escalate tensions and restore stability in the Red Sea.”

Turkey has hit out at the US and the UK and accused them both of “trying to turn the Red Sea into a sea of blood.”

Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkish officials have heard that Houthis forces are carrying out “successful defence” against the US and UK airstrikes.

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