Women are allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.” This royal order was a historic turning point for women in the Kingdom. We will present in the following article a set of guidelines that should be followed to avoid any potential risks for women while driving.

Before driving

Preparations before driving can keep you safe from accidents that could cost you your life. The following tips will help you with this:

Car maintenance

It is always better to be safe than sorry! Choose a mechanic to do periodic checks on your car while also keeping an eye on the following things.

  • Read the car manual
  • Check the tire pressure and learn how to change them if needed
  • Check engine oil for quality and quantity
  • Check battery performance and make sure it’s not older than 4 years
  • Check your headlight and taillights, turn signals, and brake lights

Defensive driving

Have you ever heard of defensive driving skills? These following techniques can help you avoid possible risks caused by other careless drivers or other factors.

  • Stay focused and maintain the right position behind the wheel
  • Stay alert and try to anticipate risks
  • Follow the “3 seconds rule,” which is to leave three seconds of space between your vehicle and the one in front of you
  • Stay away from the other cars blind spots
  • Except that other drivers will make mistakes

Driving at night: Tips & tricks

Even though driving at night is risky for everyone, it can be more dangerous for women. Follow those guidelines for more safety:

  • Use lights appropriately; switch them on 30 minutes before sunset, and use fog lights to take advantage of the brightness they provide
  • Clean your windshield to decrease your visibility
  • Watch for wildlife, and when you see them, the safest way to avoid an accident is by slowing down and stopping, not by swerving
  • Take the safe roads that are well lit
  • Plan your trip ahead of time to avoid any dangerous roads
  • Follow the speed limit

Emergency essentials

In case of a roadside emergency, try not to panic; having those things available in your car may also be beneficial.

  • Torch and spare batteries
  • Spare tire
  • Jumper cables
  • First-aid kit
  • Tool kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Driving on Saudi roads

Driving is a serious procedure that requires specific precautions to be safe and exciting.

  • Avoid driving through dangerous neighborhoods
  • Don’t pick up strangers in your car
  • Choose a well-lit parking spot
  • Keep your doors locked when stopping at traffic lights
  • Put your seatbelt on to lower the risk of injury from accidents by 50%
  • Follow all traffic signs and road rules
  • Do not call or text while driving

As part of 2030 Vision, Saudi officials plan to raise the employment rate for women from 22% to 30%, which means that many women will be independent and able to drive their own vehicles.

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