The ongo­ing uncer­tainty around both new “sus­tain­able” ship­ping fuels and dif­fer­ent reg­u­lat­ory approaches means shipown­ers face addi­tional risks that deter them from com­mis­sion­ing new ves­sels (“Older ves­sels ply on amid green fears and war”, Report, Janu­ary 8).

It is con­cern­ing that the mari­time sec­tor still faces such uncer­tainty around the future avail­ab­il­ity and price of altern­at­ive fuels and, indeed, which fuel is likely to emerge as the default fuel of the future in ship­ping. Clar­ity on those issues is needed to shape the spe­cific­a­tions for new ships and, in turn, accel­er­ate the invest­ment in those ships.

The reg­u­lat­ory pic­ture is sim­il­arly cloudy and unco­ordin­ated, as illus­trated by the way the sec­tor has been grap­pling with the applic­a­tion of the EU’s emis­sions trad­ing sys­tem, which took effect from Janu­ary 1.

Shipown­ers remain uncer­tain about the reg­u­lat­ory approach to mari­time emis­sions from other key eco­nom­ies and regions, com­plic­at­ing decision­mak­ing around sus­tain­able invest­ment. Con­sequently, ship­ping investors these days are faced with a tri­lemma: should they invest in a cheaper but (much) more pol­lut­ing con­ven­tional ship or in a more expens­ive but eco-friendly one or post­pone their invest­ment decision for when this tech­no­lo­gical and reg­u­lat­ory uncer­tainty has been resolved?

This is par­tic­u­larly import­ant for smal­ler ship­ping com­pan­ies that have neither the required cash reserves nor access to afford­able external fin­an­cing.

Bayes’ research also sug­gests that while eco-friendly ves­sels typ­ic­ally cost around 20 per cent more than their con­ven­tional coun­ter­parts, the timecharter rates they can secure in the freight mar­ket are closer to 10 per cent more than the ones for con­ven­tional ves­sels.

There­fore, the long-term cash flows gen­er­ated by this green invest­ment do not cur­rently jus­tify the risk of under­tak­ing it.

Ioan­nis C Moutzouris
Onas­sis Senior Lec­turer in Ship­ping Fin­ance and Ana­lyt­ics
The Cos­tas Gram­menos Centre for Ship­ping, Trade and Fin­ance Bayes Busi­ness School, Lon­don EC1, UK

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