I have just been charged 67 per cent tax on my savings interest when I did my self-assessment tax return.

I am an employee and earn more than £100,000, so am in the unfortunate position of having my personal allowance removed and paying 60 per cent tax on any pay rises that I get.

Even though I should get £500 of interest tax-free, I have somehow have ended up paying an even higher tax rate on my interest.

Tax sting: Toby Tallon, tax partner at Evelyn Partners, explains how the personal savings allowance works for higher earners

Tax sting: Toby Tallon, tax partner at Evelyn Partners, explains how the personal savings allowance works for higher earners

Last year, my pay plus private healthcare medical benefit came to £103,597.

Somehow, despite all my earnings being PAYE through employment, my online self-assessment calculated that I still owed £1,398.

But when I added in the £2,025 of savings interest that I had received my tax bill went up to £2,414.

That was around an extra £1,016 in tax – which by my calculations is a 50.2 per cent tax rate on the whole £2,025 amount of interest.

But it is even worse than that, as the personal savings allowance means that I should get £500 of interest tax-free, so only pay tax on £1,525 of the interest.

This tax bill means I have paid 67 per cent on the interest that is liable for tax. What on earth is going on here?

Toby Tallon, tax partner at Evelyn Partners, replies: The personal savings allowance is £1,000 if you are a basic rate taxpayer, £500 if you are a higher rate taxpayer and nil if you are an additional rate taxpayer.

Although the £500 personal savings allowance is often described as ‘tax-free’ for higher rate tax payers, strictly speaking it is a ‘personal savings allowance’ where a tax charge of 0 per cent is levied on the first £500 of savings interest.

Unfortunately, this means that you have to include your total interest in your adjusted net income, which pushes it up by £500 and means your personal allowance is restricted by it.

Effectively, this means that for those people earning between £100,000 and £125,140 – the bracket in which the personal allowance is removed – the personal savings allowance is not completely tax-free.

If you earn over £125,140 the personal savings allowance is removed entirely.

What is the 60% tax trap? 

When someone earns more than £100,000, their £12,570 personal allowance starts to be removed, at a rate of £1 for every extra £2 earned – until it is all gone at £125,140.

This effectively adds 50 per cent to their 40 per cent income tax rate, increasing it to a 60 per cent marginal income tax rate (the tax paid on the next pound earned).

This has led  This is Money’s Simon Lambert to write: Our real top rate of income tax is 60 per cent and it’s not the highest earners who pay it

He has called on the Chancellor to fix thos tax trap and others in the system in the forthcoming Budget.

You can pay extra into your pension to dodge the 60 per cent tax trap, as This is Money’s pension columnist Steve Webb explains. 

However, not everyone has the money – even if they are high earners – spare in their budgets to do this.

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How people end up paying tax on tax-free savings 

Going into the detail, the restricted personal allowance is calculated using the following formula:

£12,570 – ((adjusted net income – £100,000)/2).

In your scenario, your personal allowance is restricted to £9,759 when taking the interest into account. 

The £2,025 of interest has reduced your personal allowance at a rate of £1 for every £2 earned, bringing it down by £1,012.

Your personal allowance would have been £10,771 if you had not earned the interest.

To help illustrate this, we have included a table below which calculates the total tax payable with and without the interest income.

The outcome of receiving the interest income is total additional tax of £1,015, which is indeed around a 50 per cent marginal tax rate, which is the level you calculated before you took off the personal savings allowance from your interest.

This is made up of £610 on the interest itself (40 per cent x (£2,025 – £500)) but also £405 from the additional restriction to your personal allowance (40 per cent x (£10,771 – £9,759)).

So in essence, you are correct that there is a marginal tax rate which is higher than the usual 40 per cent higher rate – and 67 per cent in the specific example you described (based on £1,015 / (£2,025 – £500)) – but this is because of the 0 per cent tax charge on the first £500 of savings income, rather than it being exempt, resulting in the full amount of £2,025 interest restricting your personal allowance. 

Source: Evelyn Partners

Source: Evelyn Partners

How can you reduce your tax bill?

If your income is likely to be similar in future and you would like to avoid a repeat of this scenario you could consider making pension contributions, gift aid donations or making use of Isas.

1) Pension contributions

These are deducted from your adjusted net income, so making a pension contribution can restore some or all of the lost personal allowance.

More direct tax relief on pension contributions is also given by increasing your basic rate tax band (amount taxable at 20 per cent).

If your employment income and interest income were both exactly the same in the current tax year ending 5 April 2024 and if you had sufficient pension annual allowance, you could make a net pension contribution of £4,500 to reduce your adjusted net income by the £5,622 required to fully restore your personal allowance (the £4,500 is ‘grossed up’ to £5,625, to take into account basic rate tax).

This would also extend your basic rate band by £5,625. This can make pension contributions for someone in your scenario very tax efficient, subject to taking appropriate advice on you wider financial circumstances.

You would need to make the payment to a relevant pension by 5 April 2024, so time would be of the essence.

Ask your financial planning question

Financial planning can help you grow your wealth and ensure your finances are as tax efficient as possible.

A key driver for many people is investing for or in retirement, tax planning and inheritance.

If you have a financial planning or advice question, our experts may be able to help answer it. 

Email your question, with financial planning in the subject line, and put the key details in no more than 300 words to editor@thisismoney.co.uk 

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2) Gift aid

Donations to a charity also reduce your adjusted net income. Tax relief is given in a similar way to pension contributions, increasing your basic rate tax band.

Provided the donation qualifies for gift aid, the basic rate band is increased by the ‘gross donation’ which is the amount actually donated by you, plus 25 per cent. For example, if you donated £100 via gift aid, the basic rate band would be increased by £125.

In addition, unlike with pension contributions, it is possible to ‘carry back’ gift aid contributions made after the tax year end to the previous tax year provided important conditions are met (including them in your tax return at the first time of submission, and submitting your tax return by the 31 January deadline).

3) Isas

If you have not made use of your annual Isa allowances, you could put up to £20,000 per annum into an Isa and enjoy the benefits of tax-free status on any interest or dividend income or capital gains from returns in that Isa (note that stocks and shares can put your capital at risk).

Hopefully these Government approved tax savings tips might restore your confidence in the tax system as well as your bank balance.

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