Marion Sell is so angry at how little ­compensation she could receive for ­failings in the way changes to her state pension age were communicated that she’d like nothing more than to throw the money back in the Government’s face.

The 67-year-old, from Covingham, Wiltshire, is one of hundreds of women who have contacted Money Mail to vent their fury at last week’s ruling on compensation for ‘Waspi’ women — Women Against State Pension Inequality.

In a long-awaited ruling, the Parliamentary and Health ­Service Ombudsman (PHSO) said that millions of women who were hit by state pension age increases had been failed by the ­Government and could be owed compensation — but only of between £1,000 and £2,950 in the majority of cases, and exceeding £10,000 only in the most extreme.

Marion Sell, pictured, only learned she would be waiting six more years for her pension when friends told her

Marion Sell, pictured, only learned she would be waiting six more years for her pension when friends told her

Campaigners for the Waspi group have branded the proposed compensation as ‘insulting’ — and want a minimum of £10,000. The Department for Work and ­Pensions (DWP) has indicated it will ‘refuse to comply’ with ­making any payments, according to the Ombudsman.

Marion is among those who did not receive so much as a letter from the DWP informing her of the rise to her state pension age.

‘Learning I would be waiting for six more years for my pension was a real kick in the teeth — and I heard about it only from friends,’ she says.

‘Women born in the 1950s have been stitched up every which way after a lifetime of wage inequality, and it makes me furious.

‘A couple of thousand or so is just an insult as compensation — and if I could afford it, I would tell them where to stick it.’

Marion, who lives with her ­second husband, Robert, 67, didn’t work while her children were growing up, and also suffered a serious financial setback after her divorce from her first husband in 1988 — meaning she struggled to survive, never mind save money for retirement.

She says: ‘Before I had the ­children I had low-paid office jobs — partly because employers thought I might leave to have children. It may sound sexist, but that’s how life was for many women in the 1970s.

‘After my divorce, it was a real struggle to pay the mortgage on the family home, and I was threatened with eviction, so I did lots of part-time secretarial work just to pay the bills and keep a roof over our heads.

‘There wasn’t the money to put into a private pension.

‘The hardships many women in my generation went through has not been considered.’

‘Payout is so very disappointing’

Carole Whyatt, pictured, describes her compensation as 'bitterly disappointing'

Carole Whyatt, pictured, describes her compensation as ‘bitterly disappointing’

Carole Whyatt, 66, says that even if she does receive the recommended compensation, it would only go towards her bills and is nothing compared with what she has lost because of the DWP’s poor communication.

‘Even if I were to receive £2,950 as the suggested compensation, it would work out at less than £500 for every year of planned retirement,’ she says.

‘It’s enough to go towards the electricity bill, but very little else. I am furious about the way we have been treated.’

The mother-of-two said she was unable to make up the missing pension because of the lack of notice she was given.

Carole says: ‘I was livid because I was relying on my state ­pension coming the following year.’ She believes she missed out on £54,000 in the six years her state pension was delayed. She says of the ­compensation: ‘It is bitterly disappointing.’

Carole says she has waved goodbye to a modest but well-earned retirement with her chef husband Paul, 74 — the couple had planned to spend a couple of weeks a year in the French region of Dordogne, enjoying its cuisine and wine.

‘All those years of dreaming — I had even studied French in ­preparation for those future ­holidays,’ she says.

Carole, from Oldham in Greater Manchester, says she found out about the change to her retirement age only when a relative casually informed her about it over lunch a few months before she’d expected to retire.

‘In one fell swoop we were ­cruelly robbed of our retirement dreams,’ she says.

‘Instead, it was going to be a case of watching the pennies to pay the bills. Any ideas of holidays flew out the window and, sadly, we still have not been able to go back to France.’

Carole had suffered a terrible couple of years of ill health before expecting to retire at 60.

After being treated for breast cancer at the age of 58, the following year she spent three months in hospital after a supposedly routine gallstone operation ended up with complications.

This all meant she had to give up her job as a government ­funding consultant.

‘I should be getting £10,000’

Anne Campbell, pictured, said she wants the DWP to 'hold up their hands and say sorry'

Anne Campbell, pictured, said she wants the DWP to ‘hold up their hands and say sorry’

Anne Campbell, 67, was just one year away from retiring when she discovered she would have to wait another six years to receive her state pension.

She only found out in 2015 when she attended a public meeting with her MP at her local church.

Anne estimates that she has missed out on £48,000 worth of state pension — and that a mere £1,000 compensation will do little to make up for that. She says: ‘I feel deflated. It’s not enough to compensate me for the lack of communication. A higher amount, such as £10,000, would be more reasonable.

‘I want the DWP to hold up their hands and say sorry. If they acknowledged it at the beginning, it would have made it a bit more bearable.’ The mother-of-two, from Falkirk in Scotland’s Central Lowlands, had planned to retire at the age 60 to care for her mother who had dementia and her ­daughter who was suffering from ­cervical cancer.

Anne says: ‘It was a real shock — just horrendous. I needed to retire to look after my mum, my daughter and grandson, but had to keep working full time. And then my own health started to decline as a result.’ Anne reluctantly continued to work as a community and development worker until she was made ­redundant at the age of 62.

But she lived in fear of her bank balance dipping into the red, even with her workplace pension topping up her redundancy package.

‘It significantly reduced my quality of life. I always worried about whether I was going to have any money left at the end of the month,’ she says.

‘Injustice makes me so angry’

Retired project manager ­Barbara Silver, 69, says: ‘It’s the sense of injustice — of being wronged — that makes me ­particularly angry. I started work at 16 and worked for 47 years, with only a short break when my son was born in the early 1980s.

‘I went through a difficult divorce and raised him on my own, but I never missed any National Insurance payments. So, all that I want is what is due.’

Barbara, who lives in Mill Hill, North London, adds: ‘Working as a project manager in the construction industry, I had to survive in a male-dominated world — where wages are not always equal between men and women, even now — so ­pensions were not so generous.

‘My heart really goes out to those who have fought so hard and did not have the benefit of a private pension on top of a state pension required to survive.

‘I took early retirement at 63 to look after my father, who has since passed away. Had I relied solely on the state pension we were promised, I could not have provided the care he needed. It would have been heartbreaking.’

Additional reporting by Lucy Evans


Why experts fear Waspi women may only get fixed payouts of just £1,000

There were cries of victory last week from women hit by changes to the state pension age, as campaigners celebrated a long-awaited ombudsman ruling that appeared to urge ministers to award compensation to millions of women.

After years of campaigning by ‘Waspi’ women (Women Against State Pension Inequality), the ombudsman ruled that women who were born in the 1950s should be paid proper compensation and get an apology. Until 2010, women were entitled to receive the state pension from the age of 60, but the Government announced in 1995 that this would increase to 65 between 2010 and 2020 to level the playing field with men.

Up to 3.8 million women should have received letters informing them about the changes, the ombudsman said. The failure of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to notify women early enough means many could not prepare financially for the years they would need to cope without the state pension.

At first glance, the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s report promised everything activists had called for, including compensation of up to £10.5 billion and even an apology from the DWP.

Waspi campaigners assemble outside Parliament on International Women's Day this month

Waspi campaigners assemble outside Parliament on International Women’s Day this month

But hidden in the small print, details identified by Money Mail suggest many could be left sorely disappointed. And that is if the Government agrees to pay out at all. So far, ministers have refused to commit to any compensation, and Labour, whose responsibility it may be after the general election, has stayed silent.

So, what happens now? We break down the mechanics of the ombudsman ruling and how compensation could be doled out.

After five years of waiting for the ruling, it’s no surprise that campaigners want an answer as soon as possible. However, no decision is likely to be made any time soon.

On Monday, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride said the Government would need time to ‘fully and properly consider the findings of the ombudsman and the detail of what is a substantial document’.

Steve Webb, a former pensions minister and now partner at consultancy LCP, said it was unlikely any compensation would be paid this year in light of the upcoming general election.

He says: ‘The Government will be working out the smallest amount they can spend without losing a vote – my best guess is that they would like to offer nothing but may find it’s too unpopular to get away with doing that.’

The Government is under no obligation to follow the watchdog’s recommendations and therefore does not need to commit to any payments. However, the ombudsman took the rare step of asking Parliament to intervene so there will be pressure on ministers to act, stating an ‘urgent need for remedy’.

However, the watchdog did not find that the mistake resulted in victims suffering any direct financial loss. This may weaken the argument for compensation, Mr Webb says, as payouts would be far easier to calculate if there had been a tangible loss.

The cost of financing a compensation package is not the key issue, according to Mr Webb, but rather it is the precedent that paying out would set.

He says: ‘The DWP doesn’t think it has done anything wrong so once you accept that it has not communicated well, it could set a precedent for other cases.’

Campaigners in Glasgow this month next o a statue of political activist Mary Barbour

Campaigners in Glasgow this month next o a statue of political activist Mary Barbour

In its report, the ombudsman set out a range of six recommended compensation levels depending on how much women’s lives were affected by the DWP’s failure to notify them.

The watchdog recommended that most women be given ‘level four’ compensation of between £1,000 and £2,950. This implies they have suffered a significant and/or lasting injustice that has, to some extent, affected someone’s ability to live a relatively normal life. However, this falls far short of the £10,000 campaigners were calling for. Those who ­suffered a ‘short-lived, low impact injustice (such as an annoyance or frustration)’ should not receive compensation and an apology will suffice, according to the report.

Meanwhile, those who were the most severely affected – classed as category six injustice – could be awarded £10,000 or more. This applies in the case of ‘a profound, devastating or irreversible injustice where the person has been affected permanently, recovery is likely to take several years, or their quality of life has been reduced for a considerable period’.

But a tiered compensation scheme may prove too complicated, time-consuming and costly. This is not the first time the DWP has been embroiled in issues with the state pension – the department is already part of the way through a long corrective payment scheme.

In 2020, the Government admitted it had made systematic errors in state pension calculations.

In total, 237,000 elderly women were affected. Estimates suggest they are owed nearly £1.5 billion in underpaid state pension. However, the pensions department was identified as running ‘way behind’ schedule and had to delay its repayment timeframe due to the slow pace of the exercise.

This means any repayments to Waspi women could take years.

The ombudsman concluded that although compensation should be personalised, given the urgency of rectifying the mistake, the department may have to use a more ‘standardised approach’. This could result in a flat payout.

Mr Webb says: ‘In theory, the Government could very well come back from the Easter recess and say they will pay £1,000 to every woman affected if they want to make the payments quickly.’

Similarly, those born in 1960 will not reach state pension age until 2026 and so have had a lot more warning.

Likewise, the Government could restrict compensation to the worst affected. Mr Webb says: ‘The Government could, for example, exclude anyone whose pension age went up by less than one year, as they wouldn’t have been as heavily impacted.’

The ombudsman’s recommendations give the Government a lot of leeway, with a wide estimated range of how much the redress could cost taxpayers – at between £3.5 billion and £10.5 billion.

A DWP spokesman said: ‘We will consider the ombudsman’s report and respond in due course, having cooperated fully throughout this investigation.’

While last week’s ruling finally gives women recognition for the DWP’s failings, the battle is still a long way from over.

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