Ukraine have announced that they are “working” to restore flights from Lviv and Kyiv and are doing everything possible to make this happen.

On Thursday the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Rostyslav Shurma said at a panel discussion at the Ukraine House in Davos their “main focus” is to get flights restored.

He said, “I can say that we are working very intensively to restore air traffic in Ukraine… We will definitely do everything possible to implement this.”

He said that the presence of reliable logistics, air links and rail links are important elements to Ukraine’s investments.

Shurma added, “If investors and businessmen cannot comfortably and quickly get to the places they need, they will not come and do nothing.”

He was then asked if the Ukrainian authorities are seriously considering to open the airports in Lviv and Kyiv and regarding getting air traffic up and running he will not provide dates at this time.

Shurma said, “Look, we have an internal roadmap and schedule. You’re right, but I don’t want to give any specific deadlines.

“If it were just up to us. Perhaps I would be ready to publicly commit to but I think that the share of our homework here is no more than 20%.”

Speaking over the possibility of resuming air traffic in Ukraine depends on the decisions of international partners, independent regulators and insurance companies.

Shurma added, the success of this will depend, in particular, on Ukraine’s ability to ensure the physical safety of flights from any Russian attacks.

“Our team and the military are working closely with Israeli colleagues to study their experience. We are absolutely confident that we will succeed,” he said.

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