Three quarters of motorists often feel temporarily blinded behind the wheel after being dazzled by other vehicles’ headlights, a new study by the AA reveals.

Some 76 per cent of 12,100 licence holders polled said they are often impaired by oncoming car lights, while half (52 per cent) struggle to see due to the glare from motors following behind that reflects in their rear-view mirror at night.

And it’s not just vehicle headlights that are the problem…

A quarter (25 per cent) of drivers said they have been dazzled by another car’s brake lights and nearly a third (31 per cent) claim to have been dazzled by the brightness of traffic lights at the roadside. 

We explain the four reasons why dazzling is becoming an increasing problem – and seven ways you can limit the effects of glare from other motorists’ lights.

Blinded by the lights: Three in four drivers say they are often being dazzled by the headlights of other vehicles while on the road. But it's not only headlights that are causing motorists issues...

Blinded by the lights: Three in four drivers say they are often being dazzled by the headlights of other vehicles while on the road. But it’s not only headlights that are causing motorists issues…

Drivers struggling with the bright lights of other road users is often considered an issue that primarily impacts older drivers, however, seven in ten (70 per cent) of 18-to-24 year olds said they had been blinded by oncoming headlights. 

Somewhat surprisingly, two fifths (40 per cent) of young drivers said they have struggled with glare from traffic lights, compared to 29 per cent of drivers aged 65 and over.

Separate research by IAM RoadSmart shared with This is Money suggests one-in-three of its members had either reduced their night-time driving or even stopped altogether because they can no longer cope with being partially blinded by the lights of other vehicles.

The rising cases of drivers reporting being dazzled in recent years means this is a ‘major road safety issue’ as well as having a knock-on impact on the night time economy, the road safety charity said.

Half (52%) of 12,100 AA members polled said they struggle to see when driving due to the glare from motorists following behind and their headlight glare reflecting in their rear-view mirror at night

Half (52%) of 12,100 AA members polled said they struggle to see when driving due to the glare from motorists following behind and their headlight glare reflecting in their rear-view mirror at night

Shockingly, nearly a third (31%) of drivers surveyed claim to have been dazzled by the brightness of traffic lights at the roadside

Shockingly, nearly a third (31%) of drivers surveyed claim to have been dazzled by the brightness of traffic lights at the roadside

One cause of discomfort and dazzling from vehicles is the increased sales in SUV style cars, which have headlights positioned higher than ‘traditional’ saloon models.

Another reason seen across vehicles and traffic lights is the transition from halogen bulbs to Light Emitting Diode (LED) lights.

LEDs last longer, use less power and are usually smaller than their counterparts, which enables vehicle manufacturers more flexibility when it comes to designing cars and vans.

More than half (56 per cent) of drivers polled by the AA say there should be tighter rules on LED headlights which focus on their height, brightness and have automatic levelling to protect other drivers. 

More than a third (35 per cent) say headlights should be a ‘warmer’ orange colour rather than the ‘brighter’ white colour currently used.

But the issue isn’t just with the bulbs at the front of cars. 

Two fifths (39 per cent) say brake lights are brighter now than they used to be, while 27 per cent say the design of brake lights on cars are ‘more style over substance’.

However, there is an acceptance that having brighter lights is better for road safety. 

A third say bright brake lights improve road safety, with a similar number saying bright headlights improve the visibility for drivers (29 per cent).

Jack Cousens, head of roads policy for The AA, said: ‘U2 sung about ‘The City of Blinding Lights’, and for some drivers they experience this feeling when they get behind the wheel. 

‘Being dazzled by headlights is something most drivers experience, but it seems that many drivers are now overwhelmed with bright lights.

‘Whether you are sat in a jam or in the flow of traffic, there’s a strong chance someone near you is in some discomfort with drivers struggling with bright brake and traffic lights.

‘The effects and impact of LEDs across our road network, be it from vehicles or infrastructure, needs to be investigated by the Department for Transport and its agencies with recommendations made to protect road users.’

Seven ways to limit the impact of glare – and prevent dazzling others

1. Slow down at night

If the glare from an oncoming vehicle at night is so bad that you temporarily can’t see anything, you should slow down to reduce the risk of the impact on your impaired visibility.

However, avoid slowing or stopping abruptly as you don’t want a car that is travelling behind you running into the back of you. 

2. Don’t look directly at oncoming headlights

To prevent yourself from being dazzled, never look directly at the headlights of other cars.

Look to the left-hand side of the road and follow the white line marking the edge if there is one, so you can keep track of your position, the RAC recommends. 

3. Make sure your windscreen is clear 

Windscreens are particularly susceptible to steaming up on the inside, especially in cold weather, while car heaters can blow dirty air at the glass, causing a hazy film to build up on the inside. 

This can increase glare from oncoming headlamps, so ensure yours is clean and clear.

4. Adjust your rear-view mirror 

Drivers at night should dip the rear-view mirror to reduce the risk of being dazzled by motorists following them.

Many new motors in showrooms today have an auto-dimming rear-view mirror function. If your car doesn’t then you should be dipping the mirror manually.

5. Consider anti-glare glasses

If being dazzled by other drivers’ headlights or street lighting is an issue, motorists should consider anti-glare glasses when driving at night.

These are not simply glasses with yellow tints, which can help reduce glare by also make darker areas of the road less visible and are therefore not recommended.

Specsavers has a product called SuperDrive lenses for varifocal wearers, while all of its glasses can be fitted with a clear ‘SuperClean Smart’ treatment, which is specially designed to help reduce reflections and dazzle caused by oncoming headlights and street lighting — helping you have a safer journey. 

Motorists suffering from glare at night should consult with their optician. 

6. Use low beams where possible to safeguard other drivers

Use your low-beam headlights instead of high beams when driving in well-lit areas or when approaching other vehicles as high beams can significantly increase glare.

7. Regularly adjust your headlights

Ensure that your headlights are correctly aimed, especially if you are often travelling with heavy loads, which can impact the height of your lights beam. 

Misaligned headlights not only contribute to blinding other drivers but will also reduce your own visibility.

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Four reasons why drivers are being dazzled more 

Arguably the biggest contributor to the rise in dazzling is the switch to brighter LED headlights instead of halogen bulbs. The former are often whiter and more likely to temporarily blind oncoming motorists, while the latter are yellower and less likely to cause glare

Arguably the biggest contributor to the rise in dazzling is the switch to brighter LED headlights instead of halogen bulbs. The former are often whiter and more likely to temporarily blind oncoming motorists, while the latter are yellower and less likely to cause glare

1. Brighter white-tint LED lights replacing ‘yellower’ halogen bulbs

Some 87 per cent of drivers polled by the RAC earlier this year think dazzling is becoming an increasing issue thanks to headlights appearing much brighter.

This could be a result of the increasing prevalence of cars fitted with LED headlights, leading to a much more intense and focused beam that the human eye reacts differently to, compared to a conventional ‘yellower’ halogen bulb.

While LED headlights are great for improving a driver’s view of the road ahead, this can be to the detriment of other road users who encounter them.

2. Cheap LED aftermarket bulbs

One other cause of the rise in dazzling on the road is the use of sub-standard LED bulbs that can be purchased online.

Cheap replacements, especially for older cars using halogen bulbs, can be dangerously bright or produce the wrong beam pattern, both of which can temporarily blind oncoming motorists.

Only bulbs with an ‘E’ mark are deemed legal in Britain, but aftermarket LED upgrades cannot be issued one of these certified marks. This is because no legislation currently exists for the use of LED technology in a headlight unit built for halogens.

However, this is difficult to police. And even MOT testers are not required to check if a bulb is E marked due to the time-consuming nature of having to access the product.

This is why it is always recommended to purchase replacement bulbs from your car from reputable manufacturers, such as Osram and Philips.

3. Drivers failing to adjust lights

More than two in five of the 2,000 motorists polled by the RAC in January think the rise in dazzling is caused by badly aligned headlights.

A Freedom of Information request submitted to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency in November 2023 shows that since 2019, an average of 1.6million, or 5 per cent, of cars failed their MOTs due to poor headlight aim.

What’s more, with the DVSA stating in 2016 that ‘headlamp aim consistently tops the MOT compliance survey as one of the most likely items to be assessed incorrectly by testers’, the actual figure could be much higher.

The rising number of SUVs on the road is another reason drivers think dazzling is becoming an issue. Because the headlights are higher on the vehicle, they can more easily blind drivers of conventional hatchback and saloon vehicles, which are lower to the ground

The rising number of SUVs on the road is another reason drivers think dazzling is becoming an issue. Because the headlights are higher on the vehicle, they can more easily blind drivers of conventional hatchback and saloon vehicles, which are lower to the ground

4. Increasing popularity of SUVs

The rise in sales of SUVs is also a contributing factor in the increase in risk of being dazzled at night, according to respondents to both the AA poll and the one conducted by the RAC last month.

Because they are higher off the ground – and therefore their lights positioned higher than a hatchback or saloon – they risk shining directly into the face of oncoming motorists in conventional cars.

Three in five (62 per cent) RAC members who drive non-SUV models blame the spike in dazzling on higher vehicles, whereas only 35 per cent of those in higher vehicles point the finger similarly sized vehicles.

Are older motorists more likely to be dazzled?

Mike Bowen, director of knowledge and research at the College of Optometrists, says older drivers are more susceptible to being dazzled on the road.

‘Older drivers are likely to be disproportionately affected by headlight glare, so may be more likely to experience difficulties or to decide not to drive at night at all,’ he explained.

‘We urge the Government to commission more technical and clinical research to have a better understanding of this issue and what should be done to ease the effects of dazzling headlights.’

John Kushnick, legal operations director at National Accident Helpline told This is Money that dazzling bright headlights can pose ‘significant road safety risks for drivers, affecting their visibility and potentially leading to accidents’ and urged motorists to report vehicles with blinding lights to the police.

He advised: ‘It’s crucial for drivers to remain vigilant on the roads and stay aware of the potential hazards caused by dazzling headlights and take proactive measures to mitigate the risks.

‘Additionally, road safety authorities and vehicle manufacturers play a role in establishing and enforcing regulations to ensure that vehicle lighting systems adhere to safety standards.

‘It’s important for drivers to remember to play it safe if you cannot see due to the bright headlights; slow down, avoid all challenging manoeuvres, and do not pull out of a side road.’

What driving instructors teach to help learners deal with dazzling 

Seb Goldin, chief executive of RED Driver Training, told This is Money: ‘Drivers being dazzled by bright headlights is a particular concern when discussing driver safety – many are unaware of the consequences or dangers strong headlights have on yourself and other drivers. 

‘It’s important to always dip your headlights when meeting others on the road, such as cyclists and pedestrians, at the right moment, to prevent dazzling. And before dipping, check the left verge for potential hazards, such as pedestrians, to stay alert.

‘When following other drivers, remember to dip your headlights and maintain a proper gap to avoid dazzling the front driver. 

‘Overtake early with dipped headlights, then switch to the main beam once alongside. 

‘If being overtaken, dip lights when passed until safe to raise them without dazzling. 

‘Driving instructors have a responsibility to ensure learners are aware of this advice and it’s something we always cover at RED. Those who ignore this or forget to practise these tips are putting both themselves and others at serious risk of danger.’

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