Did I read this right? Adrian Mardell, the “boss” of Range Rover owner JLR, states in a front page report in your weekend newspaper that taxpayers — average annual income around £33,000 — should subsidise the cost of police operations incurred because of the high levels of theft and the illegal export of the luxury SUVs — priced up to £160,000 — that his company manufactures (“JLR calls for more police after spending own money to net stolen Range Rovers”, Report, FT Weekend, February 3).

JLR recently reported record quarterly profits in excess of £600mn. The company spent £15mn — 2.5 per cent of profits — retrofitting updated security software.

Clearly the paying of dividends, and high salaries and bonuses to its executives is more of a priority than ensuring its vehicles are secure.

If so, this is not only disrespectful towards its customers but also highly arrogant towards the same taxpayers who have subsidised and underwritten loans worth hundreds of millions of pounds to JLR.

The public purse is not an ATM machine for private companies.

Christopher Everard
London W2, UK

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