Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is facing an uphill task in getting Britain’s battalions of economically inactive people off the welfare rolls and back to work.

The latest official data just released shows that the rate of inactivity among those aged 16 to 64 climbed to 21.8 per cent of the workforce or 9.2m citizens in the last year.

Some 700,000 more are on benefits than before Covid-19. This in a period when employers are complaining bitterly about labour shortages and vacancies have been running at record levels. 

Hunt is deploying a number of weapons in seeking to get Britain working again.

He wants to see standards for access to health benefits (more generous than jobless payments) tightened and is setting up a series of pathways designed to make it easier for those who are economically inactive to re-enter the workforce.

Ballooning benefits: Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves says she wants to get people back into work

Ballooning benefits: Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves says she wants to get people back into work

Britain has become an economic outlier in the effort to get its citizens back to work post pandemic, in spite of the fact that on several measures the economy has performed better than its counterparts with the exception of the United States. 

The fastest growing cohort of the inactive, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), are those suffering from mental health problems, which account for about half the jump in numbers since the pandemic. 

At the Treasury select committee yesterday, OBR chairman Richard Hughes described ‘persistently high levels of inactivity’ as a ‘feature of the post-pandemic environment’ and suggested it was worrying both from ‘a view of human welfare’ as well as fiscal sustainability’.

The ballooning benefits crisis is as big a problem for the Labour Party as it is for the Tories. 

In post budget comments to the BBC, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves caused consternation in the welfare lobby by arguing that her party’s job would be to get people back to work.

‘There are 700,000 more people due to be on sickness benefits,’ she said.

As disability advocate Frances Ryan argued in the Guardian this week, it was as if Reeves agreed that ‘the past decade of Conservative rule has been too soft on benefit claimants’.

Whether the Tories have been too easy on benefits is a matter of opinion. But in the fiscal risks report released in July, the OBR was absolutely clear that the path to claiming sickness benefit had become easier since the pandemic, with mental illness among the top reasons.

Contrary to some critics on the Left, such as Labour MP Angela Eagle, very little of this can be attributed to the length of NHS waiting lists. There is a habit among critics of the Tories to beat them with the weapon of the OBR.

A week ago, on the day of the budget, Hunt was attacked for fiddling around the edges of the so called ‘headroom’ – the additional fiscal space – to deliver his second cut in national insurance contributions in four months. 

Those who supported Remain in the 2016 EU referendum also use a now dated OBR assessment to suggest that Brexit will rob the UK of 4 per cent to 5 per cent of national output over time. When it comes to the joblessness crisis, they seek some distance from the OBR.

In particular, the budget watchdog argues that the rising choice of the economically inactive to claim health benefits is as much about relatively easy access, lesser conditionality and ‘more generous benefits’, as anything else.

The costs of economic inactivity and the pressure it is placing on welfare budgets is a huge problem for the Treasury and future fiscal policy. 

When the scale of government borrowing is discussed much attention is paid to the interest rate bill on the national debt. 

The positive headline from that is as inflation comes down – it is forecast to hit 2.2 per cent in 2024 – so will the cost of borrowing and size of the shortfall in the public finances.

The more permanent fixture and blockage to improving public services and lowering taxation is the huge number of those who are not working and making ever greater claims on the national budget.

In its worst case scenario, which comes closer with each revision to the inactivity numbers, there is a triple budgetary whammy. 

Tax receipts are £10.9billion lower because people aren’t working, the welfare bill is £7.6billion higher (largely because of incapacity benefits) and department spending £1.3billion larger. 

As a result of the extra spend, debt interest payments would likely be £1.5billion higher than otherwise by 2027-28.

No one on benefits lives a life of luxury and there must be sympathy for those still suffering from the after effects of the pandemic. 

Nevertheless, the growing legion of those who have removed themselves from the workforce are among the main factors driving ever higher taxes, and below par productivity, growth and prosperity.

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