Rishi Sunak’s net favourability (-28) has fallen slightly to it’s joint lowest ever level, according to the latest political polling from Savanta.

The only other time his net favourability was recorded as this low was in November 2023.

Keir Starmer’s net favourability has rebounded to -2, after his low of -8 in January 2024. Starmer also maintains a healthy lead in the important best PM metric.

Starmer (41%) leads Sunak (29%) by 11 points, representing the tenth consecutive Starmer lead in this metric which began in May 2023.

The poll also shows Labour’s voting intention lead over the Conservatives standing at 14 points, a a marginal increase on last week’s 12 point lead. Our polling so far in 2024 has shown Labour leads of 19, 17, 14, 19, 12 and now 14 points.

Chris Hopkins, Political Research Director at Savanta said, “The main takeaway from our research should be the continued dominance of Keir Starmer and his party over Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives, after what was widely considered one of his worst fortnights as Labour leader.”

“That doesn’t mean the picture can’t change in the future – but the opportunities for the government to make a positive impression on the public appear increasingly limited. Sunak will be hoping that a favourable response to the spring budget brings about an upward turn in the his and his government’s fortunes.”

This latest poll from Savanta continues to highlight the disparity within the polling industry over the size of the Labour lead, due to differences in methodology. Savanta’s results come in the same week other polls show Labour leads in the mid- to high-twenties.

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