Zahira Jaser must be commended for her poignant exposition of what it means to be a Palestinian in Europe and for her bravery in “coming out” as Palestinian (Magazine, Life & Arts, FT Weekend, March 30).

As a British citizen of Christian Palestinian heritage, I have experienced first hand much of what she says. It is heartening that Palestinian voices might now be heard. Beyond the urgent need to stop the atrocities being perpetrated on civilian populations, a just and lasting settlement between Palestinians and Israelis based on international law must be found.

In this context, the legal status of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum, or special international zone, as decreed by UN resolutions as far back as 1947, was the subject of detailed study by my late father, Professor Musa Mazzawi. He argued that the concept of Jerusalem as a corpus separatum remained legally valid despite attempts by Israel to alter that status.

Corpus separatum has been unpopular with both sides — Israelis and Palestinians.

It ought, nevertheless, to be given proper consideration by those who are serious about finding a meaningful and enduring peace.

Carmen Reynolds
London SW3, UK

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