Here’s what you need to know about the current state pension age of 66 and future changes, so you can find out when you will be allowed to retire. 

Happy retirement: But how long will you have to wait for your state pension?

Happy retirement: But how long will you have to wait for your state pension?

What is the state pension age and why is it rising?

For decades, the age at which you could claim your state pension benefits was 65 for men and 60 for women.

But huge jumps in life expectancy saw costs shoot up for the Treasury, which is paying some pensioners for more years in retirement than they spent paying National Insurance as workers.

Admittedly, life expectancy gains forecasts are lower of late, though only after rising for many years and probably being skewed by the pandemic.

As things stand now, men and women’s state pension age is 66, and between 2026 and 2028 it will rise again to 67. (In 2028, the minimum pension age for accessing workplace and other private retirement savings will also go up, from 55 to 57.)

However, the timing of the next state pension age rise to 68 remains up in the air. 

Officially, it’s scheduled to happen between 2044 and 2046, which would affect those born on or after April 1977. 

But a previous Government review already recommended the change should be brought forward to 2037-2039. 

There were rumours that it was considering hastening the age increase to 2035, hitting those aged between roughly 43 and 54 now – sparking warnings that ill and poor people and carers would bear the brunt.

However, the Government has now delayed a decision on hiking the state pension age to 68 until after the next general election, probably for fear of a fierce backlash by voters. 

But the stated reason is the current level of uncertainty about the data on life expectancy, labour markets and the public finances.

Another review will now be conducted, probably in 2026. That means if the Government gives 10 years’ notice of any rise, a hike to 68 could still happen in 2036. 

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb,  who is now a partner at LCP, adds that there could be a sting in the tail because the most recent review has argued that there should be a cap of 6 per cent of GDP on the total level of state pension spending.

‘If this rule was implemented, state pension age would rise from 68 to 69 between 2046 and 2048,’ he warns. ‘Anyone born after 1979 would therefore have a pension age of at least 69. As the population ages, this new rule would imply even further increases in state pension ages or reductions in the value of state pensions.

‘This would be a draconian shift in policy which would be likely to mean today’s younger workers facing a pension age of 70 or above.’

The exact date that you get your state pension will depend on the year you were born. You can work this out using the state pension calculator 

Why is there controversy over women’s state pension age increases? 

Many women born in the 1950s have faced financial hardship while they wait longer than they expected to draw the state pension.

A version of the plans to equalise men and women’s state pension age was outlined in 1995, when the then Conservative Government stated the intention of gradually raising women’s retirement age to 65 between 2010 and 2020.



This was followed in 2007 by a Labour announcement that both men and women would see their retirement age go up to 66 between 2024 and and 2026.

But in 2011, Chancellor George Osborne brought forward the timing of both changes to 2018 and 2020 respectively, hitting women particularly hard because their increases happened both sooner than expected and in quick succession.

Initially, the overhaul included a cap of a maximum two years’ extra wait for a state pension, but protests led to the cap being reduced to 18 months.

Some 2.6million women got five years’ notice of a delay to their pension age.

The Women Against State Pension Inequality or WASPI campaign says it agrees with equalising women’s and men’s pension ages, but not the ‘unfair’ way the changes were implemented. It is fighting for measures to cushion the financial blow.

A separate group, BackTo60, brought a legal challenge but this was dismissed by the Court of Appeal in September 2020. 

The Parliamentary Ombudsman has since accused the Government of ‘maladministration’ over delays to informing women about the changes. 

It has now moved on to consider ‘the impact that injustice had’.  After that stage of the Ombudsman’s investigation, it is expected to make recommendations to remedy what happened.

However, it remains unclear whether the Government will have to stump up some kind of compensation to women, many of whom have struggled financially because they were unaware of the delay in when they could draw a state pension. 

Who can get a state pension? 

Not everyone is entitled to the full state pension, which is a regular payment from the Government until you die. Eligibility depends on meeting certain criteria.

As well as being the required age, you must have made National Insurance contributions during your working life, or have paid voluntary National Insurance, or received credits from the government for years spent caring or other issues.

Until April 2016, workers needed to have 30 years of qualifying National Insurance contributions to get the full basic state pension, but everyone retiring since then needs 35 years of contributions to get the new flat rate state pension. 

However, even if you paid in full for a whole 35 years, if you contracted out of paying additional state pension entitlements – S2P and Serps – for some years on top of that it might still reduce what you get.

How much is the state pension? 

The full flat rate state pension is £203.85 a week or an annual £10,600. This will rise to £221.20 or around £11,500 a year in April.

People who retired before April 2016 on a full basic state pension receive £156.20 a week or £8,120 a year. This is due to rise to £169.50 a week or around £8,800.



The old basic rate is topped up by additional state pension entitlements – S2P and Serps – if they were earned during working years.

People who have contracted out of S2P and Serps to pay less National Insurance over the years and retire after April 2016 might get less than the full new state pension. 

The state pension increases every year according to the triple lock, which means whichever is the highest of earnings growth, the inflation rate or 2.5 per cent.

However, the Government dropped the earnings element from the 2022-2023 rise, because wage growth was temporarily distorted to more than 8 per cent due to the pandemic.

It averted a furious backlash from pensioners by confirming the 10.1 per cent state pension rise, based on the soaring rate of inflation, from April 2023.

The triple lock means older people will get an 8.5 per cent boost to the state pension from April 2024, the Chancellor confirmed in the Autumn Statement.

That will be based on the earnings growth element which was highest this time.

How do you improve your state pension? 

Everyone gets the option of deferring their state pension to get more in their later years, and of filling in gaps in their NI record or buying top-ups.

If you delayed in the past, the rules were more generous, but if you reached state pension age since 2016 you still get the option of an increased state pension for the rest of your life.

If you defer for at least nine weeks, your state pension will get a boost for every week you defer, by the equivalent of 1 per cent every nine weeks or 5.8 per cent every 52 weeks. 

Also, you can stop claiming the state pension after doing so for a period, and therefore get a boost at the rates above, but only once. 

If you carry on working after state pension age, you don’t have to carry on paying National Insurance contributions.

Pensioners on a low income might qualify for pension credit. This tops up weekly income to a minimum of £201.05 for single people and £306.85 for couples.

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