Sir Keir Starmer has brutally mocked Rishi Sunak during Prime Minister Question’s on Wednesday mocking the Tory infighting and suggesting he is a “donkey.”

The Labour leader made a nativity jibe at Sunak saying the “seek for the three wise men may take a little longer.”

Sir Keir accused the Prime Minister of being “utterly tone deaf” over homeless children this Christmas.

Sunak said in the House of Commons that some of Sir Keir’s questions are about “political tittle-tattle,” adding, “what a joke.”

The Prime Minister then accused him of a “shameless opportunism” after Labour helped defeat to attempt Ministers to axe Eu-era rules.

Sir Keir said, “Christmas is a time of peace on earth and goodwill to all – has anyone told the Tory Party?”

Sunak, joked in response, “Christmas is also a time for families, and under the Conservatives we do have a record number of them.”

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The Labour leader said, “He [Sunak] can spin it all he likes but the whole country can see that yet again the Tory party is in meltdown and everyone else is paying the price.

“Now he’s kicked the can down the road but in the last week his MPs have said of him: he’s not capable enough, he’s inexperienced, he’s arrogant, a really bad politician.”

Sir Keir added, “Well, they are shouting,” as he referred to the Tory benches, he added, “But this is what they said. Come on, come on. Who was it who said he’s a really bad politician? Hands up.

“What about inexperienced? Who was that? Or, and now there has got to be some hand for this, ‘he’s got to go’? Shy.”

In what could be seen as a poke at Boris Johnson, the Labour leader continued, “Apparently he’s holding a Christmas party next week … how’s the invite list looking?”

Sunak said, “He should hear what they have to say about him.”

Sir Keir responded, “They’ve obviously found the donkey for their nativity. The seek for three wise men may take a little longer.

“But while they fight amongst themselves there’s a country out here that isn’t being governed.”

Sunak replied, “He talks about governing and he spent the first two questions talking about political tittle-tattle, what a joke.”

He added, “The most important thing is education, because that’s how we spread opportunity in our country and what did we learn?

“Where are the schools performing best in the United Kingdom? In England thanks to the reforms of this Conservative Government, rising up the league tables, giving our kids the start that they need.”

The Labour leader moved to converse homeless children this festive season, he asked, “Rather than indulge in his backbenchers swanning around in their factions and their star chambers pretending to be members of the Mafia, when is he going to get a grip and focus on the country?”

Sunak told MPs, “Rough sleeping in this country is down by 35% thanks to the efforts of this Government, hundreds of thousands fewer children in poverty today thanks to this Government.

“And when it comes to home building again … we just had the data this last week, within the last year an almost record number of new homes delivered, more than in any year of the last Labour government.”

Sir Keir added, “140,000 children homeless this Christmas and he’s utterly tone deaf. The rise in homelessness shows how these Tory crises merge and grow and damage the country.”

Sir Keir spoke about an 11-year-old who his homeless this Christmas, he said, “He wrote a letter to Santa saying ‘Please can I have a forever home, I don’t want any new toys I just want all my old toys out of storage, I just want us to be happy again’.

“If there is anything that could shame this Government into putting the country first then it’s surely this little boy.”

Sunak replied: “If he really cared about building homes …”

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves shouted at the Conservative front bench, Sir Keir asked Sunak: “Is that really his Christmas message to Liam?

“Cocooned in his party management breakfast he just can’t see the country in front of him of what they’ve done.”

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