Hoard your pension and spend other available cash and investments first, to keep your money out of the taxman’s clutches.

That’s the advice financial experts dish out to retirees worried about their heirs being landed with a big inheritance tax bill.

But anyone who wants to minimise their annual income tax, or use up their capital gains tax allowance efficiently, might also benefit from running down assets held outside a pension first.

Circumstances vary though, it must be stressed. So, it’s best to take the following on board as useful general guidance, but to consult a professional about your own situation.

Pension plan: You might want to use up other assets outside your pot first, if you hope to bequeath as much of it as possible

Pension plan: You might want to use up other assets outside your pot first, if you hope to bequeath as much of it as possible

How does spending your pension last benefit your finances?

Since the pension freedom reforms in 2015, more people are choosing to keep their pension invested in financial markets in old age rather than receive a guaranteed income from an annuity or final salary work scheme.

If you put your pension savings in an income drawdown scheme at retirement, any investment growth will benefit your portfolio but not be taxed unless or until you withdraw money as income.

You can take 25 per cent tax-free from your pension, but after that income tax is levied on withdrawals.

Keeping your money in a pension pot can also cut the amount of inheritance tax your loved ones have to pay, if your estate tops the basic or new home allowance thresholds – see the box below.

How wealthy do you have to be to pay inheritance tax? 

You need to be worth at least £325,000 if you are single, or £650,000 jointly if you are married or in a civil partnership, for your loved ones to have to stump up 40 per cent death duties on assets above those levels.

But a further own home allowance lets you pass on more than that.

If you have a partner, own a property, and intend to leave money to your direct descendants, that threshold is a joint £1million. 

However, people whose estates are worth more than £2million have this additional home allowance gradually withdrawn, tapered at a rate of £1 for every £2 their estate is over this amount. They still keep their original nil-rate bands of £325,000 each.

>10 ways to avoid inheritance tax legally 

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Beneficiaries either pay no tax on what is left over in a drawdown scheme if the owner dies before age 75, or their normal income tax rate if they are 75 or over.

You might therefore want to use up other assets outside a pension first if you hope to bequeath as much of it as possible, because there will be full inheritance tax to pay on money once it’s taken from a drawdown scheme.

But this approach will not be beneficial in every scenario, as it depends on your circumstances and income needs, not just on the wish to avoid inheritance tax.

What order should you spend assets in during retirement?

1) Investments held outside Isas or other tax-efficient wrappers, like shares, bonds, funds and buy-to-let properties, all of which could be subject to capital gains tax or inheritance tax. These can be tapped gradually, using capital gains tax allowances over time.

2) Investment and cash Isas, except for those held in an AIM portfolio that qualifies for business property relief. See the box below.

3) Homes if they push your estate above £2million, as downsizing and spending or gifting the money that frees up can cut your inheritance tax bill.

4) Investments with BPR status, which are shielded from inheritance tax if you have held them for at least two years by the time you die.

5) Pension pots invested in income drawdown schemes, because these remain a tax-efficient wrapper for your cash, like pensions in the run-up to retirement, and have inheritance tax benefits. 

What investments shield your estate from inheritance tax?

To encourage investment in smaller business ventures, the Government gives people protection from inheritance tax if they hold shares in firms with ‘business property relief’ status for at least two years.

Some specialist investment firms offer schemes helping people buy shares in the right companies to cut their inheritance bill.

However, investors interested in this area should beware that firms qualifying for BPR are at the adventurous and therefore riskiest end of the spectrum.

You need to research carefully, and spread your investments so they are not too concentrated in this area and not sufficiently exposed to other assets like large company shares, commercial property, or corporate and government bonds.

This makes BPR a suitable inheritance planning tool for wealthy people, who are either experienced investors themselves or can afford high end financial advice, not the modestly well-off who can’t afford to risk a lot of their investment pot in this sector. 

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Check your pension scheme allows for ‘succession drawdown’

‘Most savers continue to view their pension as a vehicle for meeting their income requirements in retirement, especially following the introduction of pension freedoms legislation,’ says Evelyn Partners’ financial planning director Gary Smith.

‘However, this is not necessarily the most tax-efficient method of generating their income requirements, as other assets – Isas, investments, savings and investment properties – should also be considered when formulating an effective income producing strategy.

‘Furthermore, it is also important to consider the wider financial position of the individuals when preparing a retirement strategy, especially if inheritance tax is an issue for them.’

Smith stresses that you should double check that your pension scheme allows for ‘succession drawdown’, as old-style stakeholder pension and personal pension rules might bar you from bequeathing them to anyone besides your spouse.

He says it’s usually straightforward and free to convert a stakeholder pension, but some personal pensions apply exit charges and in these cases it can be worth waiting until the scheme’s retirement age before switching into one offering succession drawdown

He goes on: ‘Due to the introduction of succession drawdown, an individual who has a pension that offers this facility can now cascade their pension assets to their family, free of inheritance tax.

Martin Bamford, a director and chartered financial planner at Informed Choice, says: ‘Portfolio withdrawal order is an important factor in extending the longevity of wealth in retirement.

‘Clients typically come to us with a range of assets to support their cash and income needs in retirement. These include pension plans, Isa, cash savings, investment funds or shares, business assets and buy-to-let properties.

‘We find that those who experience the most financially secure retirements tend to have a range of assets, rather than relying on pensions alone.’

He went on: ‘For investors with “unwrapped” taxable portfolios of investments, spending these first tends to make more sense than spending tax privileged Isa pots or using taxable pension income.

Got a tax question? How to contact our expert columnist

Heather Rogers, founder and owner of Aston Accountancy, is This is Money’s tax columnist.

She can answer your questions on any tax topic – tax codes, inheritance tax, income tax, capital gains tax, and much more.

You can write to Heather at taxquestions@thisismoney.co.uk.

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‘The availability of the personal savings allowance, dividend tax allowance, personal allowance and capital gains tax annual allowance provides a lot of scope to earn income and realise gains without being taxed.

‘Wealthier investors tend to prioritise inheritance tax planning and this can result in the pension pots being spent last.

‘Unspent pension pots can be passed to beneficiaries to spend tax-free, if the pension pot holder dies before their 75th birthday, or subject to their marginal rate of income tax should death occur after age 75.

‘Keeping pension wealth outside of the taxable estate for inheritance tax purposes, where it could suffer a 40 per cent tax charge, is an appealing prospect where other sources of wealth are readily available to fund retirement.’ 

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