Military experts have warned that British soldiers will face horrific conditions should the Russia-Ukraine war escalate to a wider conflict.

Experts are saying the UK has to bolster the armed forces capabilities to ensure the well-being of British soldiers in any future war.

The Sun reported that experts are predicting that should Vladimir Putin order an invasion into the Baltics then British troops will face horrifying consequences defending NATO.

A retired British general warned that “a lot of soldiers will be killed outright” in deadly battles in such a scenario which will be “brutal and bloody.”

Medical care on the battlefield will be reduced leaving soldiers with injuries less chance of survival due to the challenging conditions to get aid to the troops.

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The experts warned that any delay in treating the injured soldiers within the critical “golden hour” may be fatal.

In previous conflict helicopters have been used to retrieve injured soldiers, this method may no longer be available due to Russia’s advanced modern weaponry, unlike what we saw in Afghanistan or Iraq wars.

The experts said unless there is any significant improvements to the armed forces medical capabilities then British soldiers will basically be sent on “suicide missions.”

Retired British Army General Sir Richard Barrons gave a chilling verdict, he warned, “A lot of soldiers would be killed outright.

“But many more would die on the battlefields of wounds who might have otherwise been saved if there was a mature medical organisation behind them.”

On Wednesday the former Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said that “people need to wake up” as the  British armed forces fighting in Ukraine “cannot be ruled out.”

Wallace said that “people need to wake up” and realise just how “dangerous Vladimir Putin” really is and that across Europe there is “insecurity.”

During an interview with Times Radio the former Defence Secretary warned that “people need to wake up to how dangerous Vladimir Putin is.”

He was asked if NATO troops will be ruled out going to fight in Ukraine following Emmanuel Macron’s comment, Wallace said, “nothing should be excluded.”

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