Valdimir Putin has developed a new recruitment campaign as the Russian army has “seen a decline in interest” of people wanting to join up.

Putin is forcing people to pay their debts or they will be forced to fight in Ukraine which raises a lot of questions over their inability to recruit.

Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said, “The Russian army has seen a decline in interest in contract service.

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The Kremlin needs to look for new ‘cannon fodder. They have decided that debtors will become “contract servicemen.”

“Therefore, all data on those who owe loans was transferred to the Ministry of Defence. Now the debtors will be driven into the army by threats: either pay or go to war.

At the same time Moscow has pulled all their troops out of Belarus as the battlefield losses are soaring.

However, it is not exactly known why Putin has ordered the withdrawal of “all troops from Belarus,” but the Russian army has lost more than 300,000 troops since the war started on 24 February 2022.

Andriy Demchenko, the spokesperson for Ukraine’s State Border Guard Service, said, “all its units from the territory of Belarus” have now left “as part of a rotation.”

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