Motorists in Britain forked out almost half a million pounds to fix their vehicles due to damage caused by potholes last year, a new coalition of motoring groups has estimated

Motorists in Britain forked out almost half a million pounds to fix their vehicles due to damage caused by potholes last year, a new coalition of motoring groups has estimated

Motorists forked out almost half a billion pounds in 2023 repairing damage to their vehicles caused by Britain’s pothole-blighted roads. 

A new coalition of motoring groups, experts and manufacturers estimates that drivers paid a staggering £474,000,000 last year to fix issues caused by clattering through a crater in the road.

The AA, which is one of the members of the newly-formed Pothole Partnership, said it had received 632,000 call outs to vehicles damaged by road defects last year – a 16 per cent increase compared with the previous 12 months.

Scroll down to read our five-step guide to making a claim for pothole damage compensation. 

AA president Edmund King said: ‘We often have a vicious circle of: pothole formed; damage caused; pothole patched; pothole reappears with more damage caused. What we need are more permanent repairs.’ 

The motoring group said of the 632k pothole-related incidents its patrols attended in 2023, its workforce dealt with a range of tyre, wheel, steering, and suspension damage – and that’s just its members.

If rounded up on a national scale, the breakdown recovery provider believes around 2million vehicles were affected by poor road maintenance last year.

With Britain braced for another big freeze this week, wet conditions and a plummet in temperatures is only likely to worsen the nation’s pothole problem. 

Potholes are commonly caused by water seeping into existing small cracks in the surface of the road caused by the wear and tear of traffic and deterioration over time.

Cold weather then causes this water to freeze and expand.

When this water melts and evaporates when temperatures rise again, it creates gaps which then get broken down by the motor traffic.

The AA says its patrols in 2023 went out to 16% more pothole-related breakdowns than the yeaer previous

The AA says its patrols in 2023 went out to 16% more pothole-related breakdowns than the yeaer previous

With Britain set to be hit by another cold snap this week, the plague of potholes on our roads is likely to worsen

With Britain set to be hit by another cold snap this week, the plague of potholes on our roads is likely to worsen

The cost of clearing Britain’s pothole backlog was estimated last year to cost a record £14billlion, with the estimated repair bill increasing by nearly £1.5billion on the year previous.

The Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) said in March it would take 11 years for local authorities to fix every crumbling road in England and Wales, up from nine years in 2022.

The AIA’s Annual Local Authority Road Maintenance (ALARM) report found there were 8,000 fewer miles of road classified as ‘good’ compared with last year, a fall of 4 per cent.

The Pothole Partnership – officially announced on Monday morning to mark National Pothole Day – has the primary objective of finding solutions to tackle Britain’s crumbling road conditions.

AA president Edmund King (pictured) believes Britain's drivers are stuck in a vicious circle of operators failing to fix potholes correctly. 'What we need are more permanent repairs,' he said

AA president Edmund King (pictured) believes Britain’s drivers are stuck in a vicious circle of operators failing to fix potholes correctly. ‘What we need are more permanent repairs,’ he said

Its first act is to send a five-point plan to central and regional government officials demanding more effective road repairs and full transparency from local authorities on their progress in tackling the backlog of remedial work.

Mr King added: ‘Potholes are the number one concern for 96 per cent of drivers and can be fatal for those on two wheels so hopefully pressure from the Pothole Partnership will lead to permanent repairs.’

Pothole Partnership’s 5-point pledge 

1, Permanent: Local authorities to limit the practice of temporary pothole repairs or patches and, where possible, every pothole or patch to be repaired permanently.

2. Precise: All local authorities / contractors to adhere to UK-wide repair and inspection standards, and report annually on the repairs undertaken.

3. Price: Government to demonstrate greater urgency by accelerating and increasing spending of the £8.3bn pothole funding for England in the first three years – with total clarity on the distribution to local authorities.

4. Provision: Central and local government to guarantee ringfencing of ALL road maintenance funding to help deliver innovations that enable permanent repairs.

5. Progress: Full transparency from local authorities on their roads repair backlog, categorised by potholes, patching works and road resurfacing.

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Cllr Darren Rodwell, transport spokesperson for the Local Government Association, responded to the five-point pledge, stating: ‘Councils share the concerns of all road users with the state of our roads and are doing all they can to tackle the £14billion backlog of road repairs, including learning from and adopting innovative techniques.

‘Greater, long-term and year-on-year consistency of funding for the maintenance of all parts of our highways will help them achieve this.

‘The Government should award council Highways Departments five-yearly funding allocations, to bring them on a par with National Highways, to give more certainly so they can develop resurfacing programmes and other highways improvements, to help them tackle the scourge of potholes.’

Other members of the Pothole Partnership include the National Motorcyclists Council, British Cycling, IAM RoadSmart, the British Motorcyclists Federation and pothole repair machine manufacturer JCB.

The British heavy-machinery manufacturer’s £!65,000 Pothole Pro is an award-winning digger conversion created specifically to fix potholes efficiently and effectively.

It is a unique three-in-one solution with dedicated tools to cut, crop and clean and damaged road area.

It means there’s no need for additional specialist equipment or extra manpower, saving both time and money. 

It can repair a typical pothole in just eight minutes and provides a permanent fix. 

This is Money had an exclusive first-hand look at the PotholePro in action in early 2022, where we pitted the bright yellow digger against a traditional road repair team.

The two went head-to-head to fix four potholes in a 12 square metre section of one crater-riddled street.

The total repair time, including completely resurfacing the damaged section, took the PotholePro team 45 minutes and 11 seconds.

The traditional ‘hand lay’ team took 2 hours 16 minutes and 11 seconds in comparison.

How the PotholePro repairs a road in just four steps

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The RAC has also made an announcement on National Pothole Day that it has joined forces with technology company Metricell to encourage drivers to use a new mobile app named Stan to automatically collect data on road conditions via smartphone cameras.

Metricell will share the information it receives with highways authorities.

RAC head of policy Simon Williams said: ‘Potholes are so much more than an irritation – they are a very serious danger to all road users, which we fear will only get worse as the weather gets colder during these next few months.’

RAC patrols attended 30,000 pothole-related breakdowns over the course of the year, up by a third (33 per cent) on 2022.

Roadside patrols at the motoring services company went out to 29,377 breakdowns in 2023 – the equivalent of 80 breakdowns a day.

In November, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to tackle the scourge of potholes with an extra £8.3billion of funding over 11 years for local roads maintenance in England using money saved by scrapping HS2 north of Birmingham.

New car owners not armed to cope with pothole punctures

Your new car is very unlikely to have a spare wheel: Analysis of 313 models on sale in showrooms currently - ranging from the smallest superminis to the largest 4x4s - found only 8 come with a back-up wheel in the boot as standard

Your new car is very unlikely to have a spare wheel: Analysis of 313 models on sale in showrooms currently – ranging from the smallest superminis to the largest 4x4s – found only 8 come with a back-up wheel in the boot as standard

Breakdown assistance providers confirm that the most common damage caused by potholes is punctured tyres.

What is a car tyre repair kit and how does it work? 

A tyre repair kit consists of a can of sealant that’s sprayed into the tyre via the valve and a compressor that can be connected to a 12-volt socket in the car and used to reinflate the damaged tyre.

The car needs to be driven soon after the tyre has been filled with sealant so that the liquid can spread around the inside and plug any holes in the rubber.

The biggest benefit of these kits – in theory – is that they’re designed to enable motorists to continue a journey without the hassle of changing a wheel. 

Once the tyre has been reinflated, most suggest you can drive on it for around 300 miles.

However, research shows the sealant won’t work for one in every five punctures, if the hole is more than 5mm in diameter or in the tyre’s sidewall.

Also, the repaired tyre will deflate a day or so after the sealant has been used if it doesn’t plug the hole completely. And even in any case, it’s still only a temporary fix.

Sealant can also prevent the tyre from being properly repaired. This could push up the cost of resolving a puncture from less than £20 for a tyre repair and wheel balancing to more than £100 for a new tyre.

To avoid this expense, use only water-based sealant, because this can be rinsed out of the tyre.

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However, new cars sold in dealerships today are not equipping drivers with the essential tools to continue a journey after suffering from a flat tyres. 

Market analysis conducted in November found that just 3 per cent of new motors sold in showrooms today come with a spare wheel as standard.

With car makers instead eliminating full-size and space-saver spare wheels in favour of lighter and cheaper tyre repair kits, there is an increased change of motorists being stranded at the roadside if they get a puncture.

The RAC reviewed 313 new cars on sale – ranging from the smallest superminis to the largest 4X4s – and found that only eight (2.6 per cent) come factory-fitted with a back-up wheel in the boot.

The breakdown assistance provider says this is causing a ‘dramatic’ rise in the number of incidents where drivers need help in the event of an unrepairable flat tyre.

Its patrols went out to nearly 200,000 call-outs last year where drivers had a puncture and no spare wheel, up from 165,000 in 2018.

The motoring group said it is predominantly larger, heaver-duty vehicles that come with a spare wheel, meaning the vast majority of family-friendly cars won’t have them as standard.

Many manufacturers have stopped including a spare wheel as standard to reduce the weight of their cars by up to 20kg.

This makes the vehicles more fuel efficient but also helps car makers to meet tougher emissions legislation.

Tyre repair kits are also far cheaper to offer as standard equipment in cars, meaning manufacturers can save money on each model they sell by not offering it with a spare in the boot or under the chassis. 

It means buyers will almost always have to pay extra to have the convenience of a spare wheel in the boot.

Potholes partly causing spike in motor premiums 

The pothole issue is one that’s not just costing motorists money at repair centres and garages – it is stinging their premiums too. 

Despite the deteriorating state of the nation’s roads, only 1.4million potholes were filled in 2022/3, down from 1.7million in the previous year.

The AIA’s found shortfalls in pothole repair budgets among local authorities had reached a record high.

Councils in England and Wales said they only received two-thirds of what they needed during the current financial year to stop local roads further deteriorating, the ALARM survey found.

Meanwhile, the compensation paid out for accidents and damage caused by poorly maintained roads has risen from £8.9million to £11.6million – despite the number of submitted claims falling.

The total number of potholes filled reported in this year's survey has decreased by 16 per cent from 1.7million reported for the last two years to 1.4million in England and Wales

The total number of potholes filled reported in this year’s survey has decreased by 16 per cent from 1.7million reported for the last two years to 1.4million in England and Wales 

The total shortfall in carriageway maintenance budgets reported in England and Wales was £1.3bn in 2023, equivalent to a funding gap of £7.7m per authority – a 20% rise on 2022

The total shortfall in carriageway maintenance budgets reported in England and Wales was £1.3bn in 2023, equivalent to a funding gap of £7.7m per authority – a 20% rise on 2022

The total amount paid in claims has risen by 30% to £11.6million, the AIA said last year

The total amount paid in claims has risen by 30% to £11.6million, the AIA said last year

Earlier this month, it was revealed by the UK’s largest car insurer that the number of pothole claims has risen 40 per cent in a year.

Admiral said it received a record 1,324 claims for car damage due to potholes in 2023, an increase from 946 in 2022.

The insurance firm’s previous record year for potholes was 2018, with 1,057 claims, largely due to the ‘Beast from the East’ storm damaging roads.

The average pothole claim payout also rose by almost a third in 2023 when compared to 2022, from £2,378 to £3,070.

Admiral said the increase is due to modern vehicles being more complicated to repair, and therefore more expensive.

The insurance firm also said pothole payouts were rising due to vehicle repair costs rising generally.

Adam Gavin, head of claims at Admiral, said: ‘Potholes are more than just an inconvenience, they can also cause costly damage to your vehicle.

‘January, February and March are the worst time of year for pothole claims, with more than a third of claims we receive made over this period, as road surfaces become unsettled by freezing temperatures and thaws.’

How to claim for pothole-related compensation: Our five-step guide

1. Collect the evidence

If you’re a motorist looking to make a claim for a repair bill for pothole-related damage or a cyclists putting in a personal injury claim after suffering injury after hitting one in the road, the first port of call is to make a note of where the pothole is located, the time and date of the incident and take a photo of the pothole.

Local authorities may defend a claim if they successfully argue that it was not an obvious hazard – or if they were unaware of it despite having in place a reasonable system of inspection and repair.

To improve your chances of a successful claim, will help to demonstrate whether the pothole was an obvious danger or not. 

Where possible, take photos at the scene just in case the council repairs the pothole before you can return to take them.

If you didn’t do this at the time of the incident, you can return to the scene of the crime to take pictures.

You should also take a photos of the damage the pothole has caused to your vehicle (or person, if you have been injured). 

If possible, take your car to a garage and ask for a mechanic’s report in writing for the projected cost to fix the problem – or if your motor isn’t drivable, phone a reputable repair centre and request a quote.

2. Work out who is to blame

To make a claim for compensation, first you need to know who should pay out. 

If the pothole is on a motorway or main trunk road, the chances are it is a National Highways (formerly Highways England) problem. 

For local roads, you will need to research which council is responsible.

Once you’ve identified the party you need to contact, request a copy of highway maintenance schedules and number of reported incidents on the particular road for the previous 14 days as evidence that the road hasn’t been properly maintained or a reported pothole hasn’t been addressed.

3. Make the claim

You’ll need to issue a formal claim and most responsible parties will have a template you can request.

4. What to do if you do – or don’t – get a compensation offer

After making the claim, you should be notified if compensation is being granted. 

Though you can still reject the value of the offer if you believe it isn’t sufficient, especially if you have evidence that the pothole had already been reported but the responsible party had not acted to rectify it.

If the council refuses compensation, you can seek legal advice or make a case through the courts. 

However, a word of warning that this could be a time-consuming process and is likely to be worthwhile only if the repair bill is considerable.

5. Final option: Make a claim through your insurance

If you have comprehensive cover, you can claim for pothole damage on your insurance policy. 

However, it’s worth considering the cost of the damage as well as your excess payments and if this action will affect your No Claims Bonus.

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