Poland has warned that NATO must be on alert for a Russian attack over the next three years.

The head of Poland’s national security agency, Jacek Siewiera said that Russia could attack Estonia, Romania, Lithuania and Poland who are on NATO’s eastern flank within the next 36 months.

The head of Poland’s national security agency has strongly advised NATO to expect “confrontation” and prepare.

A German think tanks has also issued a warning that NATO countries must be on alert for an escalation with Russia, said the German Council on Foreign Relations.

Read more on Russia-Ukraine war:

Ukraine outlines to NATO their ‘urgent military needs’ as winter will ‘complicate fighting’

They said in a statement: “With its imperial ambitions, Russia represents the greatest and most ­urgent threat to NATO countries.

Once intensive fighting will have ended in Ukraine, the regime in Moscow may need as little as six to ten years to reconstitute its armed forces.

Within that time frame, Germany and NATO must enable their armed forces to deter and, if necessary, fight against Russia.

“Only then will they be in a position to reduce the risk of another war breaking out in Europe.”

The head of Poland’s national security agency said, “If we want to avoid war, NATO countries on the eastern flank should adopt a shorter, three-year time horizon to prepare for confrontation.

“This is the time when a potential must be created on the eastern flank that would be a clear signal deterring aggression. Therefore, it is necessary to advance boost the number of Polish troops.”

The former NATO secretary general Lord George Robertson warned, “Instead of the West being nervous of Russian escalation…we need to breed in the military hierarchy in Moscow the worry that if they overdo what is being done in Ukraine then an actual and not fictious war with NATO might be the result.”

They said in a statement: “With its imperial ambitions, Russia represents the greatest and most ­urgent threat to NATO countries.

“Once intensive fighting will have ended in Ukraine, the regime in Moscow may need as little as six to ten years to reconstitute its armed forces.

“Within that timeframe, Germany and NATO must enable their armed forces to deter and, if necessary, fight against Russia.

“Only then will they be in a position to reduce the risk of another war breaking out in Europe.”

Vladimir Putin’s ally has warned that the Baltic states will be next which will fall withing “15 minutes” after the invasion starts.

The former Soviet countries, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania make up the Baltics and are now in NATO has been warned that Russia is ”coming.”

A Russian expert and founder of the Russian Media Monitor, Julia Davis, posted a clip of Vladimir Solovyov, a Russian TV personality.

Davis said, “State TV pundits on Vladimir Solovyov’s show rejoiced that the Russian empire is expanding and expressed their amazement at the ‘stupid’ Westerners who still can’t figure out modern Russia, which has been ‘kicking their a*** for centuries.”

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