Britons are being urged to check if they can benefit from a “little-known” tax relief rule that can boost their partner’s pot by thousands of pounds.

Currently, people can contribute up to £2,880 per year to a non-earning spouse’s pension and receive a relief boost of £720 to £3,600.

Since the limit was introduced in 2001, calculations from Hargreaves Lansdown show savers could have put £65,736 into a partner’s pension, with tax relief increasing it to £82,800.

Helen Morrissey, head of retirement analysis at Hargreaves Lansdown said: “Contributing to a partner’s pension is a little-known rule that can have a big impact on your family’s financial resilience, with tax relief adding £720 for every £2,880 saved into a non-earning partner’s pension.

“Since the contribution limit was introduced back in April 2001, as part of stakeholder pension rules, you could have contributed £65,736, with the tax relief bumping it up to almost £83,000.

“If you contributed the full amount to your 30-year-old partner’s pension every year, they would have a pension worth around £230,000 by the age of 68.”

Building pension income in both names also means making the best use of tax-free personal allowances in retirement, which totals £25,140 a year (2023/24).

Ms Morrissey explained: “If you have used up your own pension allowances, this is a hugely tax efficient way of continuing to build retirement resilience by making sure both yourself and your partner are building up pensions.”

This research comes at a time when many couples find themselves overly reliant on one partner’s pension.

According to Hargreaves Lansdown, less than half (43 percent) of people could cope financially if they didn’t receive part of their partner’s pension in retirement.

Ms Morrissey said: “The figures are particularly grim for women, with just over one quarter saying they could cope on their pension alone, as a toxic mix of time out of the workforce and lower paid, often part-time work takes its toll on women’s pension prospects.”

However, she noted: “It’s also fair to say it’s a problem many men grapple with too. Less than 60 percent said they could cope without a share of their partner’s pension.

“So, it’s important to do all you can to boost your prospects as a couple wherever possible and this could prove to be a real game-changer.”

People can calculate their potential pension tax relief by using Hargreaves Lansdown’s tool here.

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