My 78-year-old dad was conned into transferring £3,745 to a fraudster posing as a pension specialist.

We asked the bank if it would reimburse him but it refused to help, saying he should have known it was scam. They said he had ignored bank warnings issued on the banking app, even though he only does in-branch banking. Why did it blame him? S.W. by email

Consumer rights lawyer Dean Dunham replies: Most of the banks are signed up to the contingent reimbursement model (CRM) code which is a voluntary scheme designed to provide greater protection to customers from Authorised Push Payment scams (APP scam). 

Banks signed up to the code commit to taking steps to increase customer awareness of scams and importantly to reimburse customers who have fallen victim to a APP scam in certain circumstances.

Your bank is clearly subscribed to the scheme, which is good news, but it has declined to help your dad, in my view, wrongly.

Consumer rights lawyer Dean Dunham says is it was wrong for the bank to decline to help

Consumer rights lawyer Dean Dunham says is it was wrong for the bank to decline to help

Under the code the starting assumption is that victims of APP scams should be reimbursed, unless one of the exceptions applies. The most common exceptions are:

  • The customer ignored Effective Warnings given by the bank;
  • The customer did not take appropriate actions following a clear negative Confirmation of Payee result – this is where the bank details do not match the payee details
  • The customer made the payment without a reasonable basis for believing it was genuine.

However, where the victim is classed as ‘vulnerable’, these exceptions do not apply. The problem with this is the code does not provide a neat list of who will be classed as ‘vulnerable’, so the banks can take advantage.

Instead, it says that if the combination of a person’s individual circumstances and the scam itself mean that it wasn’t reasonable to expect that person to have protected themselves, then they should always be given their money back.

The code refers to these people as ‘vulnerable to APP scams’. Your dad is 78 years old and clearly does not use the likes of a banking app, meaning he almost certainly would not have seen any warnings. The scam was also clearly sophisticated. This combination, in my view, made him vulnerable, meaning the bank should have refunded him. His next step is now to lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Why was my claim for a faulty microwave rejected? 

I purchased a microwave from a local independent trader and when I got it home, found it was faulty. The trader is ignoring me and when I made a Section 75 claim it was rejected on the basis that the goods cost less than £100. It actually cost £109 but the trader split the card transaction into two consecutive payments. Was this to avoid Section 75? D.N. via email

Dean Dunham replies: When the trader split the transaction into two payments it may well have been done with the intention of taking away your rights under a Section 75 claim but unfortunately for them it was a fruitless exercise.

Under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, the credit card company is jointly liable for any breach of contract or misrepresentation by the retailer or trader, when the goods are purchased with a credit card.

Here, as the microwave is faulty, the Consumer Rights Act engages and this provides that the trader must offer you a free repair or replacement or give you a refund. As the trader here has ignored you it amounts to a breach of contract, which is one of the two vital requirements for a Section 75 claim.

The other vital requirement is that the goods cost more than £100 and this is where the trader (if it had the intention we suspect) and your bank has got confused. The requirement is therefore that the goods – here the microwave – cost more than £100, not that you paid more than £100 on your card.

Even where you pay 1p on your credit card, so long as the goods cost more than £100 you will be covered by Section 75. In your case, the microwave cost £109 and it makes no difference that the card transaction was split into two, you’re still covered.

Your bank simply got this wrong so ask it to reconsider its position. If it refuses, you should lodge a complaint with the financial ombudsman service.

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