When Kevin McCormac*, a 75-year-old retired pensioner from West Sussex and his wife Sarah applied for NatWest’s best buy two-year fixed-rate Isa over the summer, they thought they were making the right choice for their life savings. 

But two months later and their retirement fund, worth a combined total of over £600,000, had still not reached their Isas causing considerable distress.

They are just two of 22 cases who have contacted This is Money following our investigation into almost £1million of Isa transfers going missing

This sum now stands at £2million and counting. 

Dear Diary...: A husband and wife from West Sussex wanted to put their £600,000 retirement savings into NatWest's two-year Isa, but a catalogue of delays led to months of waiting

Dear Diary…: A husband and wife from West Sussex wanted to put their £600,000 retirement savings into NatWest’s two-year Isa, but a catalogue of delays led to months of waiting

This is Kevin and Sarah’s story – they kept a timeline of events that led to over £600,000 of their retirement money going into financial limbo for four months – a nightmare scenario for a couple who have diligently saved for many years.

Kevin says: ‘My wife and I tried for months to transfer two stocks and shares Isas from Investec into NatWest and it has been a nightmare. 

‘I have made endless telephone calls to NatWest, sent countless emails and written long letters…’

*We have changed Kevin and Sarah’s names at their ask.

21 July 

Kevin and his wife hand in completed application forms for NatWest’s two year fixed rate Isa, paying a rate of 5.9 per cent, at their local branch. 

The had made a decision to transfer their life savings from an Investec stocks and shares Isas as they wanted the guaranteed rate and trusted NatWest as a high street name. 

Kevin had £310,772 to transfer and Sarah had £318,000.

Sarah was given an application number and told in branch an application pack would be sent in the post ‘explaining everything that she needed to do’ to open her Isa.

30 July 

Kevin’s new NatWest Isa was opened and – in the meantime, as he had discussed with his local branch manager, he told Investec to convert both stocks and shares Isas to cash via their current accounts on this day.

Meanwhile, Sarah received texts from NatWest saying that they were ‘working on it.’

18 August 

NatWest’s application to transfer Kevin’s Isa was received – three weeks after he had applied.

28 August 

Kevin sent a letter to the customer relations manager in the complaints department in Birmingham to complain about the delay in transferring his funds.

29 August 

In frustration with a lack of information and a slowness of opening, Kevin and Sarah went into the branch to try to get a progress update on their Isas.

Sarah had never received an application pack telling her what needed to be done.

Their bank manager completed a second Isa application for her and they were assured that the paperwork would come in the post within three to five days.

That day, Kevin’s £310,772 savings was sent to NatWest from his Investec stocks and shares Isa by same day faster payments, quoting all the correct account details.

30 August 

A advance smaller payment, which amounted to a few days worth of interest, was sent to Kevin’s Isa.

This small payment appeared on his online statement on this day, but the £310,772 was notably missing from the account.

6 September 

The paperwork for Sarah’s Isa application finally arrived, outside of the promised three to five day window. It was dated 31 August.

7 September 

Kevin and Sarah pay yet another visit to their branch, this time to sign and hand over the completed second Isa application for Sarah which the manager sends to the Isa team in NatWest’s own safeguard internal post.

14 September 

Sarah had hoped this second Isa application would be ‘idiot proof’ but was amazed to acquire an emailed letter from NatWest dated 14 September to say that the application had not been received by the closing date of this Isa issue on 11 September, even though it had clearly been received in branch with four days to spare.

Sarah’s life savings have been sitting in her current account ever since they were converted from investments in her stocks and shares Isa on 30 July 2023.

19 September 

Kevin sends a letter to David Lindberg, chief executive of retail banking with the hope that his plea for his life savings to be transferred to his Isa will be heard.

The letter went unanswered.

10 November 

Kevin’s Isa was finally credited with £310,772, six weeks after the money was sent from his Investec stocks and shares Isa and almost four months after he opened the Isa.

15 November

Some missing interest to the tune of £3,868.06 was credited to Kevin’s Isa.

A NatWest staff member told Kevin there was a advance amount on interest waiting to be credited of £1,406.57.

Despite asking for details and dates from when this interest had been calculated, NatWest would not tell Kevin.

A family matter 

Kevin said: ‘The time and stress this has caused – it is not an exaggeration to say it almost took over my summer.’

Sarah was ‘incandescent with rage’ that after not one but two applications made well in advance of the deadline, she was told she could not open the Isa as she had missed the deadline. 

The same thing also happened to Kevin and Sarah’s daughter who tried to transfer £20,000 to a NatWest Isa and was told she had missed the deadline. 

She believed she was told a ‘complete lie’ to cover up for NatWest’s own incompetence in not being able to deal with their backlog of applications for the two-year fixed-rate Isa.

Kevin said: ‘I would never have done this to our savings if I didn’t think it was the best thing for them at the time. 

‘The stock market has not been performing well over the last eighteen months and we wanted the certainty of a 5.9 per cent return for our retirement money.’

‘Our branch manager has been amazing throughout this while trauma but he told us that they were totally unprepared to deal with the response to this Isa and it coincided with a £200 ‘switch’ offer on current accounts which, in his opinion, was totally unnecessary as so many other banks have closed their branches locally that new customers are already flocking to them in droves.’

A NatWest spokesman said: ‘We have now completed the Isa transfer requested by Mr McCormac, backdated the interest and apologise for the inconvenience he has experienced.

‘While we are clearing the backlog of Isa transfers quickly through the reallocation of additional resources, there are still one in three cases where we are waiting on the funds from other providers.’

‘Mrs MsCormac’s application for the transfer in question was received outside of the time period when the relevant product was on-sale and unfortunately we were therefore not able to proceed with the requested Isa transfer. 

‘However, as a gesture of goodwill we will make the appropriate arrangements for Mrs McCormac to be able to transfer to the product she applied for and will be in touch to outline next steps.’

NatWest topped the table with its two-year fixed-rate Isa in the summer with 5.9 per cent interest. That same Isa now pays 4.65 per cent.

The Isa proved more popular than NatWest anticipated, and the bank quickly became overwhelmed by a flood of demand.

Some customers were told by NatWest agents that they were working through a ‘backlog’ of applications.

This week, the FCA set out a new target of 90 per cent of cash Isa transfers being completed within seven working days for the largest banks and building society. 

Prior to this, the length of time for an Isa transfer was subject to a voluntary industry agreement of completing a minimum of 85 per cent of cash Isa to cash Isa transfers within seven working days.

Customers affected by delays

Case 1: £318,000 from an Investec Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 2: £310,772 from an Investec Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year

Case 3: £190,000 from a Vanguard Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 4: £170,000 from Pershing Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 5: £131,870.70 from Nationwide cash Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 6: £110,000 from Vanguard Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 7: £100,000 from a Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 8: £100,000 from a Quilter Stocks and Shares Isa to a NatWest two-year Isa

Case 9: £95,000 from an LV Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 10: £75,000 from Vanguard Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 11: £45,000 from Santander cash Isa to Lloyds cash Isa

Case 12: £41,341 from Nutmeg Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 13: £39,941.71 from Vanguard Stocks and Shares Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 14: £33,734 from a Saga Isa to NatWest cash Isa

Case 15: £25,000 from a Hargreaves Lansdown Stocks and Shares Isa to a NatWest two-year Isa

Case 16: £20,000 from RBS current account to RBS two-year Isa

Case 17: £20,000 from NatWest current account to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 18: £20,000 from a Marcus savings account to NatWest easy-access Isa

Case 19: £20,000 from an Isa to a NatWest two-year Isa

Case 20: £13,000 from Virgin Money cash Isa to NatWest two-year Isa

Case 21: £10,000 from an Isa to NatWest Isa

                                                                             *Case 22 did not want to be mentioned. 

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