My daughters each own a house (outright, no mortgage); one in Oxford and one in Cambridge.

Due to changing work locations they now wish to swap ownership of their houses.

Our solicitor has advised that this can easily be done through a Deed of Gift but has declined to advise on the implications for capital gains tax when either property is sold.

It is highly likely that the Cambridge house (which has been my eldest daughter’s main home from purchase in 2020) will be sold next year after she transfers ownership to her sister.

As the house has increased in value since purchase, we would like to understand any potential liability for CGT when it is sold.


Swapping homes: Will my daughters face an extra tax bill for doing this?

Swapping homes: Will my daughters face an extra tax bill for doing this?

Heather Rogers replies: The tax implications of gifting property to family members is a common inheritance tax planning question but I have not had one about house swaps before!

That said, although it may seem unusual, house swaps are not as rare as you would think.

When considering such a move, there are three taxes which have to be considered – capital gains tax, inheritance tax and Stamp Duty Land Tax.

I will look at these in turn, before making some further remarks on your daughters’ situation.

It is worth noting the rules are the same regarding all the tax issues to consider whomever you are house swapping with in principle.

If the swap transaction is with someone who is not a ‘connected party’ (more on this below, but this includes siblings), the market value of a property is still used, unless it is a normal commercial transaction in which case it is the amount you actually paid.

1. Capital Gains Tax

Even though this transaction is that of a swap rather than two independent sales, it doesn’t change the way such a transaction is treated for capital gains tax.

On any transfer of property between ‘connected parties’ the market value of that property must be taken into account rather than the amount of money actually being paid.

Will your daughters have to pay CGT?

If each property being swapped was the main or only residence of its owner prior to the swap, then Private Residence Relief (PRR) should be available in the same way that it is available when you sell your home and move to another, and no capital gains tax will be due.

Similarly after the swap, providing the new home remains the main residence of its new owner, then PRR should be available should the new home be sold, again in the same way as if you sell your home, move to a new one and then sell the new one to move again.

How does CGT work? 

Capital gains tax is payable on the profits from the sale of an asset – what you sell it for, less what you paid for it.

Depending on the asset there may be certain reliefs available and each person has a capital gains tax allowance to offset against their gains.

This was £12,300 in the year to April 2023, when it was cut to £6,000, and there will be a further cut to £3,000 next spring.

If an asset was transferred to you as a gift, then the value at transfer will be the valuation for acquisition.

When the asset is left to you through a will, then the probate value will be the value you are deemed to have acquired it for.

You can deduct costs of acquisition and disposal if relevant – the estate agent’s and solicitor’s fees on sale, for example.

You can also deduct costs where you have spent money and have added value to the asset.

Capital gains rates are explained here.

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There are some exceptions to the availability of Private Residence Relief which you should check do not apply in this situation.

However, if one of the properties being swapped was a second home, or was rented out at any time, capital gains tax would be payable, in the same way as if you sold a second home or a property that you had rented.

The amount due would depend on the profit made, in other words the market value at time of the swap, less what was paid and the costs of any improvements and any period where it qualified for any other relief.

What is meant by connected parties?

A person is connected with an individual if that person is:

– A spouse or civil partner

– A relative (brother, sister, ancestor or lineal descendent, but not nephews, nieces, uncles and aunts)

– A spouse or civil partner of a relative

– A relative of a spouse or civil partner

– A spouse or civil partner of a relative of a spouse or civil partner.

2. Inheritance Tax

If no money is being paid, in theory both houses in this case are gifts.

However, because for gifting one house, the gifting party is receiving another house, then the actual gift is the difference between the value of the properties.

For example, if A gives B a house worth £300,000 but only receives from B a house worth £280,000, then A has gifted B £20,000.

This gift is known as a PET (Partially Exempt Transfer). If A survives seven years, then no inheritance tax would be due on the gift.

Gifts are deducted from the person’s nil rate band first (currently £325,000 – see the box below) so if A hasn’t gifted more than the nil rate band in the seven years before their death, then no inheritance would be payable on the gift in any case, even if they died within seven years.

This situation can be avoided by payment of the difference by the person receiving the higher value property.

Importantly, once the swap has taken place there should be no further benefit received by the owner of the gifted property, or it will be classified as a ‘gift with reservation of benefit’ and this will change the inheritance tax position.

Inheritance tax thresholds

Tax of 40 per cent is typically levied on a deceased person’s assets worth over and above £325,000, which is called the nil rate band.

Many people are allowed to leave a further £175,000 worth of assets without them becoming liable for inheritance tax, if their home forms part of their estate and they leave it to direct descendants.

That means children, including adopted, step or fostered, and those children’s linear descendants.

This extra sum is what is called the residence nil rate band, and it is available to claim on deaths on or after 6 April 2017.

Both protected amounts or ‘bands’, adding up to £500,000 per person, can be transferred to a surviving spouse or civil partner if unused on the death of the first spouse.

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> Find out more about gifts and inheritance tax

3. Stamp Duty Land Tax

Normally, there is no stamp duty payable on a gift, but there may be a liability if the properties are not equal in value, or if there is a mortgage on one or both of the properties which are being transferred.

There may be higher rates of stamp duty to pay if one party already owns another property. This is a question that your solicitor should review.

Further tips for your daughters

In this case, if the properties currently are the main homes of both the sisters and will remain so up to the date of the swap, PRR should be available subject to the exceptions in the link above.

Any difference in value will be a gift by the owner of the higher value property to the other.

To avoid a gift, the difference could be settled by a payment.

Providing the property to be sold is the main home of the new occupant from the date of the swap up to when it is sold, then it should qualify for PRR.

I recommend having both properties valued by a qualified surveyor, so if there is a query later from HMRC, you have an accurate valuation at the time of the swap.

It also means that if one of the properties does not remain as a main residence (it is rented out in future, for example), you have an accurate ‘purchase price’ for CGT purposes.

Ask Heather Rogers a tax question

Tax expert Heather Rogers answers our readers' questions

Tax expert Heather Rogers answers our readers’ questions

Heather Rogers, founder and owner of Aston Accountancy, is our tax columnist. She is ready to answer your questions on any tax topic – tax codes, inheritance tax, income tax, capital gains tax, and much more.

If you would like to ask Heather a question about tax, email her at

Heather will do her best to reply to your message in a forthcoming monthly column, but she won’t be able to answer everyone or correspond privately with readers. Nothing in her replies constitutes regulated financial advice. Published questions are sometimes edited for brevity or other reasons.

Please include a daytime contact number with your message – this will be kept confidential and not used for marketing purposes.

If Heather is unable to answer your question, you can find out about getting help with tax here, including sources of free professional advice if you are elderly and/or on a low income.

You can also contact MoneyHelper, a Government-backed organisation which gives free assistance on financial matters to the public. Its number is 0800 011 3797.

Heather gives tips on how to find a good accountant here, including when to seek help, hiring the right type of firm and typical costs.

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