• Research shows that 70 per cent of Gen Z men want to earn more in a couple
  • But older men are less likely to hold this view, with most over-65s disagreeing

Seven in 10 Gen Z men think that they should be the main financial provider in a relationship, according to new figures.

But just one in five women think that men should have the role of provider.

Showing that age does not necessarily equal conservatism, only 14 per cent of men over the age of 65 think that they should be the breadwinner in a couple.

Despite being the youngest working generation, as many as 58 per cent of men aged between 18 and 24 even said a man could feel emasculated if their female partner earned more than they did, with just 16 per cent of women saying the same, research from Starling Bank shows.

70 per cent of men between 18 and 24 think that they should be the chief breadwinner in their relationship

70 per cent of men between 18 and 24 think that they should be the chief breadwinner in their relationship

Starling Bank family finance expert Rachel Kerrone said: ‘Our latest research reveals that Gen Z men feel under significant pressure to provide financially within their relationships, far more than any other generation before.

‘However, young Gen Z women as a whole don’t share these financial expectations of their male partners, which is reassuring.

‘There is a disconnect between the pressures men feel to provide, and the reality of being able to do so at an age where they’re making their way and figuring things out in adult life.’

In practice, with most Gen Z men not earning a sufficient amount to support both themselves and their partner, the opposite appears to be the case, with Gen Z couples reportedly the most likely group to split their relationship expenses equally.

Most (73 per cent) of Gen Z-ers said they divide their expenses in half, while only half, or 53 per cent, of all adults said the same.

Based on the research, however, it would appear that Gen Z still need to grow into the belief that ‘couples who pay together, stay together’, with just 22 per cent of 18-24s agreeing with this sentiment.

On the other hand, 54 per cent of those over 65 subscribe to this belief.

Overall, 92 per cent of couples of all ages who share money burdens evenly believe that their relationship finances are fair, while only 80 per cent of those who divide costs based on their income feel the same way.

While many Gen Z men feel under pressure to be the main provider, Starling Bank’s research indicates that, for many expenses, women appear to be the primary payers within a relationship.

For Gen Z couples, women proved more likely to be the main spender on a weekly food shop and petrol, with 35 per cent and 34 per cent of women paying most of the cost, respectively, compared with just 26 per cent of men.

Around 37 per cent of couples split their weekly shop equally, while 30 per cent divided petrol.

Women also proved more likely to be the main spender in birthday and Christmas presents for friends and family, pet care, holidays and nursery or school fees.

Notably, 32 per cent of women absorbed most of the cost of presents, and 31 per cent paid for pet care, compared to 22 per cent and 20 per cent for men.

Young women are also seven times more likely to foot the bill when it comes to eating out with their partner, whereas just three per cent of those between 55 and 64, and four per cent of over 65s said the same.

According to the bank, the gulf between the views of Gen Z on gender roles and money, as well as the reality of who pays, could actually be putting their relationships in jeopardy.

Half of 18 to 24-year-olds said they have split with a partner because they were unable to resolve unfair financial arrangements, compared to just 16 per cent of all adults. Concerningly, almost seven in 10 young men are avoiding having financial conversations with their partners.

‘Being more open and having transparent conversations about money can help form more financial stability in a relationship,’ Kerrone said.

‘Regular, honest and detailed discussions about spending and saving habits are important for overall financial wellbeing. They can help couples ensure their financial goals, concerns and priorities align, while building trust in each other to manage finances sensibly.’

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