Round two of the Republican primary season takes us to New Hampshire this week, and former president Donald Trump is once again the runaway favourite.

The pressure at this Tuesday’s caucuses is on the also-rans, particularly Nikki Haley. She finished third in Iowa last week, underperforming polls, and is facing pressure from her backers to put in a strong showing in New Hampshire or forfeit campaign funding. Haley hopes her brand of traditional conservatism will appeal to New Hampshire’s independent and more centrist voters.

You can read full coverage from FT reporters on the campaign trail by clicking here.

The Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and Bank of Canada meet to set rates this week, but are unlikely to change course — ECB president Christine Lagarde suggested at Davos last week that the first rate cut for the eurozone would come in the summer. However, the central bankers’ comments will be closely watched for clues about the timing of future policy changes.

Read the full week ahead calendar here.

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