Learner drivers are now being forced to pay £3,000 to cover the costs of lessons, vehicle tax and insurance. 

This comes after learning to drive is more important than ever, with so many unable to rely on public transport in the UK. 

Full release below. 

Learner drivers now paying over £3,000 due to insufficient public transport

At a time learning to drive is more important than ever, drivers are being forced to pay £3,000 to learn.

Car insurance experts at Quotezone.co.uk have revealed the exact cost of learning to drive after more Britons are being excluded from travel due to unreliable public transport and financial pressures.

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With public transport becoming more inaccessible and unreliable for Britons, learning to drive is more important than ever.

But with rising costs for driving lessons, vehicle tax and insurance, learning to drive is more expensive than ever.

In the past 15 years, bus services have been cut by more that 80% in some parts of England and Wales.

Heavy disruption and strikes within train services have impacted thousands of Britons who are reliant on train travel.

Despite this, the cost of train tickets will soon increase by 4.9% from March 2024, with more strikes planned.

Many Britons must now pay the expense of learning to drive in order to have the basic ability to travel.

The experts have researched the average amount of money a learner driver is expected to pay from start to finish.

Before even getting behind the wheel, learners must pay £34 to apply online for a provisional driving licence (or £43 by post).

Finding a suitable driving instructor and getting enough practice before the test is the biggest expense.

The average cost of a driving lesson in the UK is £34 per hour – with the average learner spending 45 hours with their instructor, costing £1,530.

Pupils must then pay to take the vehicle theory test (£23) and the practical test (£62 for weekday tests rising to £75 on the weekend).

Additional fees include revision apps and resources and a payment to driving instructors to use the vehicle on test day, as well as buying a vehicle and getting tax and insurance sorted.

In total, learner drivers are paying £3,142 to get their licence, not including the cost of more lessons and tests if unsuccessful after the first attempt.

Greg Wilson, founder and CEO of Quotezone.co.uk said: “The realities of learning to drive have been a problem since the pandemic, with test delays and lesson back-logs and now the cost-of-living crisis pushing costs through the roof. 

“But young people need a reliable mode of transport and recent bus route cancellations and train strikes have created a renewed interest amongst young drivers and their need to get to work, school or simply on with their lives.

“More regulation on the cost of learning to drive is desperately needed, in excess of £3,000 is an unrealistic sum for most who are trying to learn and save – and that doesn’t include the cost of the car itself.

“Even car insurance is often the most expensive for young drivers, especially ages 18-24 but there are a lot of tips they can try to create savings – such as reducing mileage, parking on a private driveway at night and adding a second more experienced driver to the policy.  Just make sure the main driver is the person who actually drives the most miles.

“There are lots of ways to save even for this high-risk group so shop around, pay annually and review prices three weeks from your renewal date when it is often most competitive, and hopefully driving can become more affordable again for our young drivers.”

To compare and find savings on all types of competitive car insurance including temporary learner drivers and provisional drivers insurance, Quotezone.co.uk can help.


Notes to editor:

Driving Essentials for LearnersEstimated Cost
Provisional driving licence£34 to apply online (or £43 by post)
Driving lessons£1,530 (£34 per hour x 45 hours)
Driving theory test£23
Driving practical test£62 for weekday tests (or £75 on the weekend)
Revision materials/app£5
Instructors car for the test£68 (£34 per hour x 2 at lesson fee rate)
Vehicle Tax£190 (Predicted from April 2024 – depending on vehicle)
Average insurance estimate18-24 year olds£1,230 (Dependant on driver/vehicle specifics, 2023) 
Estimated Total£3,142

Not including the cost of the vehicle itself, assuming most learners have access to a family vehicle initially.

Average Car Insurance Premiums – per age
Age group 18-24NO telematicsYES telematics