Labour’s lead over the Conservatives has increased to 18 points, according to the latest voting intention poll from Savanta.

The poll, conducted over last weekend (23-25 February) sees Labour on 44% of the vote, up two points from the week before, and with the Conservatives on 26%, a drop of two points.

Reform UK’s vote share has shown a small increase of two points to 10%. This is Reform UK’s highest ever vote share in a Savanta poll since January 2021, when the Electoral Commission approved their new name.

Chris Hopkins, Political Research Director at Savanta said, “Ahead of the Rochdale by-election and a make-or-break spring budget, our findings will not make pretty reading for the Conservative Party. Labour’s wobble, if there ever was one, appears to have stabilised.”

“Reform recording their highest ever vote share in a Savanta poll is notable, but I remain sceptical of their electoral prowess.

“They certainly have the potential to really hurt the Conservatives at the next election, but their voters are not just Tories-in-disguise. Mobilising their supporters will be incredibly important if they are to achieve anything like a ten per cent vote share at the actual General Election.”

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