Your report headlined “Housebuilders favour Labour amid Tory struggles” (Report, January 29) is correct, as far as opinion polls go. Builders, like most people, will back the favourite.

But remember, the last Labour government’s record (1997-2010) on housebuilding was poor, even before it (and global factors) crashed the economy. Only last week, Labour mayor of London Sadiq Khan was quoted saying the average age of a builder was 50. Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, won’t be able to change that overnight.

Nor is Labour’s record on housebuilding in recent years in London — or in Wales where the party has also been in control — anything to be proud of.

So be careful what you wish for, housebuilders.

Tony Devenish AM
Conservative Assembly Member
Member, Housing Committee
London Assembly, London E16, UK

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