Israel has conducted strikes which has hit Gaza’s largest hospital and has killed at least 13 people on Friday.

Mohammad Abu Salmiya, the director of the Al-Shifa hospital said, “Israeli tanks fired on Al Shifa hospital,” Al Arabiya reported on Friday morning.

Heavy fighting was reported near to the hospital and Israel has accused Hamas as using the hospital as a human shield.

Israeli troops killed dozens of militants and have destroyed many tunnels in the Gaza Strip helping to make it harder for Hamas to operate.

Read more on Israel-Hamas war:

Jordan warns ‘all options are on the table’ to deal ‘with Israeli aggression on Gaza’

“Thirteen martyrs and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on Al-Shifa compound today” in central Gaza City, a government statement said.

According to witnesses tanks surrounded the Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City as hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flee further south.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said around 20 hospitals in Gaza are now out of action entirely and warned the Al Shifa hospital is under heavy bombardment.

WHO spokesperson Margaret Harris was asked about the allegations of Israeli troops attacking the hospital, she said: “I haven’t got the detail on Al Shifa but we do know they are coming under bombardment,” she added there is “intense violence” on the ground.

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