A third of parents saving into Junior Isas for their children plan to keep them in the dark about their windfall until they are 18, new research reveals.

Most of those keeping it secret feel their children are not financially mature enough to know yet, while others fear they will spend all the money immediately on reaching young adulthood.

Parents can stash up to £9,000 a year in a Junior Isa for a child, who can take control when they are 16 but cannot make a withdrawal until they are 18.

How will your child spend their Isa at 18? Some parents are worried they will blow the money immediately, although they can keep some or all of it invested if they wish

How will your child spend their Isa at 18? Some parents are worried they will blow the money immediately, although they can keep some or all of it invested if they wish

Only a parent or guardian can open a Junior Isa on behalf of a child before they are 16, and the annual allowance can be split between a cash and a shares Isa each year.

Many parents engage children in decisions about their Isa and use it as a chance to teach them about money in general or about how to invest.

But a survey of 500 parents who visited the Interactive Investor money platform in early March showed a sizeable minority do not intend to inform their children about their Junior Isa until they are old enough to access the account.

Some 44 per cent of those taking this decision said their children were too young, 26 per cent that they did not know why they were keeping it quiet, 13 per cent fear their offspring will spend it all at 18, some 12 per cent thought telling them was inappropriate, and 5 per cent said their children found money boring.

Myron Jobson: Many parents worry their children are simply too young to know about a Junior Isa

Myron Jobson: Many parents worry their children are simply too young to know about a Junior Isa

‘Building up an investment pot to give your child a financial leg up when they reach adulthood is half the battle. Ensuring that the money is used in a responsible way is also challenging,’ says Myron Jobson, senior personal finance analyst at Interactive Investor.

‘Underpinning a nervousness among a significant portion of parents surveyed around informing their child of their Junior Isa is a worry that they are simply too young to know.

‘Doing so could potentially lead to expectation about finances, an early sense of entitlement, or misunderstanding about the value of money.’

Jobson says parents should consider their child’s age and their savvy in finance matters, including the importance of budgeting, saving and investing, before telling them about their Junior Isa.

‘Make it a learning opportunity, explaining the purpose of the Isa, the perks of saving and investing for the future, and consider getting them involved in the decision-making,’ he says.

‘Parents and carers also have a crucial role to play in helping their children develop a healthy relationship with money – especially as financial education simply doesn’t get the attention it deserves at many schools.’

How to invest a Junior Isa (plus a peek at where other parents put the money)

Cash Junior Isas are ‘frankly pointless’ except for teenagers who might want to use the money shortly, and therefore prefer to remove the short-term risk of a sudden loss of value, according to Jobson.

‘Most Junior Isas are going to be inherently very long-term, because they cannot be accessed until the child is 18. 

‘There is ample time for short-term bumps in stock markets to be ironed out.’

He says passive funds – which simply clone performance of market indices – dominate the list of bestselling investments within Junior Isas at Interactive Investor, accounting for seven of the top 10. By contrast individual stocks, which are typically more volatile and may carry higher risks, dominate adult Isas on the platform, he adds.

The average pot size of a Junior Isa on the site is £14,128, and the average age of an account holder is 10. There are no significant gender differences in how parents invest for children. 

Bestselling investments: Interactive Investor reveals what customers have put in Junior Isas and adult Isas between January and mid-March

Bestselling investments: Interactive Investor reveals what customers have put in Junior Isas and adult Isas between January and mid-March

Average Junior Isa portfolio composition on II

Sarah Coles, head of personal finance at Hargreaves Lansdown, says: ‘Every year, most Junior Isas being paid into are cash products, because parents are worried about the risks associated with investment.

‘However, they miss the fact that there’s also a risk associated with cash, and there are plenty of ways to cut the risks of investing in a Junior Isa.’

Coles says people tend to over-estimate the risk involved in investing, partly because they focus on short-term fluctuations, but over the long term there is an opportunity to ride this out and their money has a better chance of beating inflation.

She notes cash can be the right choice for an older teenager, or where the money is needed for something very specific at a particular time, and this is the only sum that will ever be available for it.

Meanwhile, Coles says there are three ways to reduce the risks associated with investment: invest for the long term; spread the risk across assets and regions; and drip feed cash in every month.

She adds: ‘The easiest way to take timing out of the equation entirely is to set up regular payments into a Junior Isa by direct debit. It means that when markets have fallen, your money will buy more units, so you can benefit when they rise, and improve your investment gains over the long term.’

Alice Haine, personal finance analyst at Bestinvest, says a family of four who can afford it can potentially stash up to £58,000 free of tax on income and capital gains in Isas every year.

‘When you consider all the financial challenges your children are likely to face, from university costs to high house prices and more, helping them build a nest egg now will be invaluable,’ she says.

But Haines cautions that any money deposited for a child in a Junior Isa is effectively locked away until they grow up, so if a parent needs that money for other expenses they will have to source the funds elsewhere.

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