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  1. What is your earliest memory?
    This brown sofa with lilac flowers on it sticks in my head. It was a statement piece in the early ’90s. I remember me and my older sister Sian playfighting on there. One of those times resulted in a pretty nasty fall and cutting my eye open on a glass table.

  2. Who was or still is your mentor?
    I haven’t really had one. Two people really encouraged me. My mum was almost overly complimentary about how good she thought I was. And one of my best friends in the world, Michael Dawson. He was seen as a big scary lad on the estate — I avoided him. One day he literally knocked on my door and went, “I hear you can sing, you,” and I was, “Oh no, here we go, this guy’s going to bully me,” but that was a pivotal moment in me being comfortable enough to sing in front of anyone. I realised he was a big softie; we call him the Big Bear. I am really grateful to him for bringing me out of my shell.

  3. How fit are you?
    I’m quite well conditioned to perform. If you’re not healthy on the road, it can be a miserable place.

  4. Tell me about an animal you have loved.
    Smokey, a springer spaniel — he’s named after the character in the movie Friday. I spent a few years struggling to balance my work life with looking after him. I had to give him to Michael, which broke my heart, but we still have a very special bond. I also have two cats, Bambi and Archie, that I love and adore.

  5. Risk or caution, which has defined your life more?
    Risk. It’s not always paid dividends for me, but even though I’ve been burnt on many occasions, I’ve also been rewarded in a big way.

  6. What trait do you find most irritating in others?
    Insincerity. I can smell it. I know when people aren’t being real.

  7. What trait do you find most irritating in yourself?
    Probably my lack of discipline when it comes to food. Anything I’ve ever applied myself to, I’ve been able to achieve, but a good diet has always eluded me. I’ve never been able to manage moderation — I’m all or nothing.

  8. What drives you on?
    I want to be considered one of the best in my field. I want to be really good at the thing I love. I’m very competitive. I’m hyperfocused. I would like to be respected by my peers.

  9. Do you believe in an afterlife?
    I think I do. I’d like there to be something.

  10. Which is more puzzling, the existence of suffering or its frequent absence?
    I find it hard to believe there’s people that aren’t suffering in some form or another.

  11. Name your favourite river.
    The Tees is the backdrop of my life. It surrounds the Riverside Stadium in Middlesbrough, home of my football team. I’m playing there in June — a full-circle moment for me.

  12. What would you have done differently?
    Too many things. A couple of times over the past 10 years have affected how people view me. That’s going to be hard to undo. I wish I’d learnt to keep my composure earlier — it’s taken me until my thirties. And I wish I could go back and invest time in instruments other than my voice — guitar or piano. I’ve probably relied on raw talent too much — it only gets you so far.

“Bitter Sweet Love” by James Arthur is out now on Columbia Records. He will do a world tour this year

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