Now, experts reveal that a single adjustment to your household routine could achieve both goals simultaneously, with minimal effort required.

The secret? Turning down the temperature on your boiler.

According to specialists, simply lowering the temperature on your boiler can lead to significant savings on both your energy bill – around £100 per year – and your overall energy consumption.

The concept is straightforward: by reducing the temperature at which your boiler operates, you decrease the amount of energy needed to heat water for various household purposes, such as showers, baths, and central heating.

“This is surprisingly simple but one many people don’t pick up on,” says Jennifer Shaw, expert at Plumbworld.

“If your hot water is too hot to touch you need to turn down the temperature gauge on your boiler until it is.

“This will slash energy usage and save you money – especially during the summer when central heating might be turned off but you still need hot water for washing up and bathing.”

The recommended temperature for a boiler typically ranges between 60C to 65C. However, experts suggest that lowering it by just a few degrees can make a huge difference without compromising comfort.

“Most people won’t even notice a difference in the warmth of their water or their home,” explains Shaw. “But they’ll certainly notice the savings on their energy bill.”

According to estimates from energy providers, lowering your boiler temperature by just one degree can result in savings of up to 10 per cent on your heating bill over the course of a year. For the average household, where the yearly cost is currently between £850 and £1,000, this could translate to £100 back in your pocket..

Adjusting the temperature on most modern boilers is a straightforward process that can be completed in a matter of seconds. Many boilers feature simple controls or digital interfaces that allow users to set their desired temperature with ease.

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