Every once in a while, a new social media platform comes along and completely changes how we consume content. Now, there’s Clubhouse, which is already making waves with its real-time social audio feature.”

Within the first year, celebrities and influencers started taking notice of the platform. And thanks to endorsements from celebrated tech leaders like Elon Musk, people have since been lining up to get in. What makes it even more special is that Clubhouse is no longer invite-only.

Creators and influencers of all kinds have the opportunity to build a community and establish a thriving career on the platform. There’s no doubt that Clubhouse is now a big deal, and we can all be part of it.

Stick around, and we’ll teach everyone how to become Clubhouse influencers and build a name for yourself on the platform.

Eight proven ways to become Clubhouse influencers

Here are some easy tips to help you become a Clubhouse influencer.

1. Grow your following

These days, growing a large following on Clubhouse is no longer something that only celebrities and influencers do. It has now become one of the most important aspects of every brand’s social media marketing plan.

After all, the extent of your influence on a platform is mostly determined by the number of people who want to become part of your community. With that in mind, look for ways to grow your following on Clubhouse.

That will help you create a community interested in your voice and ideas. This active fanbase will also make it easier to reach your target audience, influencing other people to trust and value your insights.

2. Know your audience

Know Your Audience

Imagine for a second you have a problem. And the person you turn to for help completely understands what you need. They can state your pain points, challenges, and desires so well that it almost feels like they live in a sweet penthouse in your head.

You would most likely want to hire that person, right? Well, the same thing happens when you get to know your Clubhouse audience. It helps you use language, tone, and style they can relate to. That makes the conversations more interesting, creating a loyal fanbase around your content.

That said, take the time to research and understand your audience’s habits and preferences. By joining chat rooms related to your niche and actively engaging in conversations, you will get a better idea of what will excite your audience.

3. Optimise your bio

Your Clubhouse bio is everything. It paves the way to becoming a successful Clubhouse influencer. That’s because this is what other users look at when they want to know who you are and the kind of content you like producing.

So, as you create your bio, make sure it showcases your skills, interests, and expertise and communicates your unique value. If well done, it will attract like-minded listeners who are more likely to follow and engage with you.

4. Host engaging clubhouse rooms

If you are keen on becoming a Clubhouse influencer, hosting enjoyable and useful chat rooms is your key to success. Choose subjects that fascinate your audience and address their interests and concerns.

Plan your discussions carefully so that the conversation flows smoothly and keeps participants engaged. You can even take things up a notch by inviting speakers who will enrich the dialogue and provide different perspectives.

By organizing lively Clubhouse rooms, you position yourself as a fun and informed speaker. That creates more opportunities to attract new followers from listeners who are looking for great content.

5. Engage in room discussions

Another effective strategy to level up your game as an influencer on Clubhouse is actively participating in room discussions. Express your insights confidently and show off your unique perspective.

If you have any questions, don’t be shy to ask. That will spark conversations with other users and show them that you are genuinely interested in the topic. Such meaningful contributions also establish you as an active and valued participant.

As you consistently share your thoughts, you will become a recognizable voice in the Clubhouse community, solidifying your path to becoming a successful influencer.

6. Join relevant rooms

To further boost your influence on Clubhouse, strategically join rooms that align with your passions and expertise. This is where your voice will matter the most. Therefore, choose rooms that cover topics you are very knowledgeable about.

By getting involved with such discussions within your field, you will earn credibility as well as get like-minded people to become your followers. After all, when we get completely immersed in the things we love, we tend to develop bonds with people who are interested in similar subjects.

7. Follow your niche influencers

Follow Your Niche Influencers

Clubhouse is all about social listening. Therefore, to stay on top of your game, you can follow other influencers in your niche. Soon enough, you’ll have a personalized timeline giving you information on all the latest trends and industry news.

That will help you stay informed and open up doors to network with other influencers. People want to interact with those who share similar interests. Also, you will gain valuable insights and get access to relevant conversations.

8. Collaborate with other creators

Finally, you could partner up with other creators. Once you are seen as a reputable creator, it will not be hard to persuade other influencers to partner with you. These partnerships can help you reach new horizons by unlocking opportunities with a different audience.

But first, you have to make sure you work with the right person. That said, explore different rooms in your niche, and if you find any creators that have similar style and content, reach out to them.

Propose pooling your expertise to work on a joint project. This opportunity will give both of you full exposure to each other’s audience. Their followers might, in fact, be curious to check out what you do and decide to follow you as well.


Clubhouse is one of the coolest additions to social media with its audio-only style content. But since it has been around for only a couple of years, if you get in now, you still have a chance at growing your Clubhouse following and becoming a top player in your field.

The tips we talked about will help more people notice your profile and set you up for a successful online journey. This way, you won’t need to worry about hiding your following on Clubhouse because you’ll be rocking a solid follower count.

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