Yield Road Sign Post Over a Blue Sky


Horizon Technology Finance (NASDAQ:HRZN) is a well-run BDC that invests in a small number of core industries that are historically neglected by the banking community. The BDC runs a tech-focused investment strategy and has seen double-digit net investment income

Historical NII Trend & Coverage FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022

2-YR Growth

Total Interest Income ($M) $42,192 $54,411 $77,366 83.4%
Net Investment Income ($M) $20,749 $28,220 $36,187 74.4%
NII (per share) $1.18 $1.41 $1.46 23.7%
Annual Distribution (per share) $1.25 $1.25 $1.28 2.4%
Coverage Ratio (%) 94.4% 112.8% 114.1%

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