Jay­as­ree K Iyer calls on phar­ma­ceut­ical com­pan­ies and “the global health com­munity” to make child­birth safer world­wide (Opin­ion, Janu­ary 18).

Work­ing as a doc­tor in sub-Saha­ran Africa, I saw moth­ers and new­born babies die when med­ical skill could have saved them.

Nearly half the doc­tors regis­ter­ing in the UK in 2022 were from over­seas, com­ing from coun­tries with high mater­nal mor­tal­ity and low num­bers of health work­ers.

By not poach­ing staff from poorer coun­tries, Bri­tain could make a real con­tri­bu­tion to global health.

Dr John Doherty
Strat­ford-upon-Avon, War­wick­shire, UK

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