From Howard and his Isa, Isa Baby television advert message to celebrating 25 years of the tax-free accounts this week, for me, Individual Savings Accounts are a rare beast: a successful financial product most of the public know about and trust.

Yes, there has been plenty of tinkering in the past and a general obsession on launching new Frankenstein-style versions, but at their very heart, they are simple for people to get their head around – a key component for anything to be successful, not just financial tools.

You get an annual allowance of £20,000, and the two most straightforward versions – the cash Isa and stocks and shares Isas – are incredibly useful for those who save diligently for their futures.

Useful shield: Isas are popular, trusted and fairly simple for people get their head around - why rock the boat?

Useful shield: Isas are popular, trusted and fairly simple for people get their head around – why rock the boat?

In recent years, they have become easier to open, far more competition exists, investment fees have lowered and with savings rates rising after years of rock bottom base rate, it means they are a crucial way for people to avoid tax on the interest they earn.

I’d argue that in a country where the tax burden seems to be growing in the form of fiscal drag, Isas are a chink of light.

This week, they’ve become even more streamlined with a move that allows savers to open a mixture of tax-free accounts, rather than restricting them to just one of each type per financial year.

But also this week, they’ve been in the firing line of the Resolution Foundation. In its ‘Ineffective Savings Accounts’ paper, the independent thinktank argues they are targeted towards the rich and suggests they should have a lifetime cap of £100,000.

It also claims the tax relief is ‘expensive and growing in cost,’ and Isas are ‘ineffective at raising long-term saving.’

So let’s tackle these three points raised in the paper.

Firstly, I wouldn’t argue they are simply targeted towards the often maligned ‘rich’ – although, an annual limit of £20,000 is generous for a generally savings shy population. It’s hard to max that out, although many do.

Higher-rate taxpayers – those earning £50,270 a year – have a measly £500 Personal Savings Allowance. That is the amount of interest they can earn on savings before it is taxed.

When savings rates were mega low, this didn’t matter so much. But in a higher rate environment, it does.

A savings balance of £10,000 earning interest of 5 per cent a year will put you above the PSA parapet. More are being dragged into this higher-rate tax net thanks to frozen thresholds and an Isa is one small shield from the greedy tax goblin.

It’s no surprise those on higher incomes will be benefiting most from Isas given that naturally, they’re more likely to squirrel away more in savings – but start adding in lifetime caps and shifting the goalposts, and you lose credibility.

They, for me, are naturally the second place to build wealth – the first being a private pension. But, you can’t tap into any of that until you’re 55 (57 from 2028). Isas are far more at arm’s reach – break in case of emergency.

Which takes me on to ‘ineffective at raising long-term savings.’ Poppycock. It’s done the very opposite in my view.

If you explain to the public they can be taxed on their savings interest outside of an Isa wrapper, often in my experience they can’t believe it.

People tend to build up an Isa pot and then become pretty obsessive about building it up further, protecting it from tax and growing it over the years – their savings baby that grows into a full-sized adult over time.

If you explain to the public they can be taxed on their savings interest outside of an Isa wrapper, often in my experience they can’t believe it.

Kevin Mountford, founder of savings platform, Raisin tells me: ‘While Resolution Foundation’s comments are noted, I believe they are wrong to overly criticise Isas.

‘It is easy to question the overall value and cost to The Treasury, particularly in recent years when interest rates were so low.

‘However, the overall tax benefits, coupled with the ability to flex between cash and stocks, have encouraged Britons to save more than they probably would have had these products not launched in 1999.’

Lastly, the Resolution Foundation says they are expensive adding 42 per cent of adults had an Isa, pointing to data from 2020/21.

It goes on to say ‘the cost to the exchequer from foregone tax revenue on Isas is large.’ It says for the 2023/24 tax tear, the cost will rise to £6.7billion.

That compared to a figure of £3.5billion in 2018/19 and £4.9billion in 2022/23.

This figure has grown because of increasing savings rates after a decade in the doldrums for savers. And with capital gains tax dividend tax allowances shrinking this year, is it any wonder that more money is heading into Isas?

The Resolution Foundation often puts out good ideas, but for me, this one is wide of the mark.

The thinktank aims to improve the living standards of low-to-middle income families. It is extremely likely this cohort of people do not benefit from Isas.

What they potentially need is more targeted help to build a rainy-day savings buffer. The trouble is, on low starting balances, 5 per cent interest just doesn’t cut the mustard for the huge pile of Britons who do not see the benefits of saving.

More creative solutions need to be created on this front – for example, a monthly saver that comes with eye-catching double-digit interest on small payments that snowball over time.

Stripping away a trusted, decent savings tool, is not the route to go down.

Mr Mountford adds: ‘For various reasons, Britons have never saved enough, whether for a rainy-day or with longer-term retirement in mind.

‘More needs to be done to help those who, to date, either struggle or can’t be bothered to save.

‘There is a low savings culture in the UK, where we have one of the lowest savings ratios in the G20, and this needs to be addressed by government and industry working together.’

Easy-access grumble

And talking of simplicity, why have savings providers now made easy-access accounts so complicated?

They are bread and butter deals which should be easy to open and operate. You put money in, and can withdraw it as you see fit.

But a quick delve into the best buys shows savings providers seem hellbent on creating them with a variety of obstacles.

This includes limiting withdrawals, short term bonus rates, access on certain days of the year, large opening balance requirements, a low cap on how much can pour in… it’s become a needless minefield.

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